- Results Positive rate of plumbum acetate and ammonia hydroxide method is significantly higher than that of PH and reduction lactose method (P<0.001). 结果用醋酸铅氢氧化铵法检测乳糖比PH还原糖法的检出率阳性高。P<0.;001;两种方法具有显著性差异。
- Ammonia is a chemical substance. 氨是种化学物质。
- Ammonia is a colorless gas with strong smell. 氨是无色并有强烈气味的气体。
- ammonia hydroxide 氢氧化氨
- objective The purpose is to compare plumbum acetate and ammonia hydroxide method with the PH and reduction lactose method on application of qualitative lactose measurement in babies excrement. 目的试比较醋酸铅氢氧化铵法和PH还原糖法(改良班氏法)在婴幼儿粪便乳糖定性检测中的应用。
- In some ways, an hydrous ammonia is just as Safe to handle as gasoline. 在某种程度上,无水氨使用起来和汽油一样安全。
- A base is the hydroxide of a metal. 碱是金属的氢氧化物。
- Tests of the manure showed a high ammonia content. 这种肥料经过化验表明氨的含量很高。
- Dilute the ammonia with water before you use it. 使用氨之前用水稀释它。
- A salt of zinc hydroxide, such as Zn(OH)2. 锌酸盐一种含氢氧化锌的盐,例如氢氧化锌Zn(OH)2
- The smelling of ammonia brought himaround. 嗅氨使他恢复了意识。
- Sodium hydroxide is a kind of hydriodide. 氢氧化钠就是一种氢氧化物。
- She diluted the ammonia with water. 她用水稀释氨水。
- Ammonia has a pungent, penetrating odor. 氨具有一种强烈的刺鼻的气味。
- The ammonia froze into bright crystals. 是氨冻结后生成的明亮晶体。
- Ammonia is a very reactive chemical. 氨是很活泼的化合物。
- They will react with ammonia to form amidines. 它们与氨反应形成脒。
- There are four major steps in ammonia synthesis. 氨的合成主要经过四道工序。
- Of, containing, or similar to ammonia. 氨的氨的,含氨的或与氨相似的
- Sodium hydroxide in various forms is the most widely used. 各种形式的氢氧化钠是最广泛使用的。