- So that is only our first ambitious goal. 所以这只能算是我们雄心壮志的第一个目标。
- That is a low level for you, but it is really an ambitious goal for us. 这同你们相比还是低水平的,但对我们来说是雄心壮志。
- That is a low level for you,but it is really an ambitious goal for us. 这同你们相比还是低水平的,但对我们来说是雄心壮志。
- Though perhaps not of Stalinist proportions, this is still an ambitious goal. 或许这也并没有走出斯大林主义的圈子,但它仍然是个充满雄心的目标。
- We used to have the ambitious goal of realizing the four modernizations by the end of the century. 我们开了大口,本世纪末实现四个现代化。
- That target may not seem high,but it is a very ambitious goal for us,and it won't be easy to achieve. 这是我们的雄心壮志。目标不高,但做起来可不容易。
- At that time,Compaq still had its sights set on surpassing IBM,and it was considered a very ambitious goal. 当时,康柏仍然把视线集中在超越IBM,这被认为是一个非常有野心的目标。
- Rather than choose an ambitious goal beyond his reach, he would choose a goal within his reach. 他宁愿选择一个能够达到的目标,也不愿选择一个雄心勃勃但无法达到的目标。
- Diderot, the patron of vast collaborations around a great, hugely ambitious goal, would be proud. 作为如此巨大合作项目的资助人,相信他会感到自豪。
- NASA probe of the three major goal is to detect the earth outside world, the three planets has an ambitious goal, search terrestrial planets. 美国宇航局三大探测目标就是探测地球之外的世界,这三大行星都有宏大的目标,搜索类地行星。
- One is how to pay for his ambitious goal of universal coverage, and the other is whether to include a government-run insurance plan. 一个是怎样为他雄心勃勃的广覆盖的目标买单,另一个是是否要包括一个政府的运作的公共保险计划。
- To meet its ambitious goals, the team bucked two IBM traditions. 为实现其雄心勃勃的目标,该小组放弃了IBM的两项传统。
- Lee Ji-life unrealized Sea, the state-an ambitious goals. 李氏一生未实现济苍海,安社稷的宏大理想。
- Kryder immediately set an ambitious goal: demonstrate hard drives that could store four gigabits of information in a square inch of disk space. 奎德立刻订定了极具野心的目标:发展出每平方英寸可储存4Gb资讯的硬碟。
- China has set itself the ambitious goal of quadrupling its GNP in two decades,that is -- by the end of this century -- and of reaching a level of comparative prosperity. 中国现在制定了一个宏伟的目标,就是国民生产总值在两个十年内,即到本世纪末翻两番,达到小康水平。
- Long-term stabilisation of world temperature and greenhouse gas concentrations is an ambitious goal, but it is a fundamental part of any future framework. 保持全球气温和温室气体浓度的长期稳定是一个宏大的目标,但也是未来任何框架协议的基础部分。
- About two years ago, HTC has decided to go behind the scenes from the front, and the development of an international consumer electronics brand this ambitious goal. 大约两年前,宏达电便决定从幕后走向前台,并制定了成为国际消费电子品牌这一雄心勃勃的目标。
- Once the ambitious goal set, you should devote yourself to realizing it before getting it accomplished and obtaining some certain resources unimaginably. 如果你真正全身心投入,你就会使目标称为现实。确定一个雄心勃勃的目标,然后全身心地投入,你就会发现你能够获得你想像不到的资源。
- Its ambitious goal might seem altogether futile were it not for the recent surge in antibody therapies, the problems that still nag these sophisticated drugs, and the insights that Ablynx scientists have into the peculiar biology of the camel family. 若非最近抗体疗法的激增,而复杂抗体药物仍甩不开一些问题,再加上亚柏林克斯科学家对骆驼独特生物学的认识,他们野心勃勃的目标免不了会落空。
- Postmaster General John Potter's ambitious goal is to reduce Undeliverable As Addressed (UAA) mail 50% by 2010.And the changes coming this summer could affect up to 2% of all mailings. 香港邮政署长约翰波特的雄心勃勃的目标是要减少送达的作为处理(符合UAA规范)邮件的50 %25 ,到2010年。