- Studied the ambiguity index of the "的" phrase and explained incidentally the cause ambiguity of the "的 " phrase's ambiguity with the application of Valance Theory. 四、运用词类的配价理论,考察“的”字短语的歧义指数,并附带说明由“的”字短语引起的歧义问题。
- Not ambiguous; clear and obvious. 不模糊的; 清晰的和明了的
- The index is at the back (of the book). 索引在(书的)末尾。
- An intentionally noncommittal or ambiguous statement. 暧昧的回答,故意的不信任故意说得模棱两可的话,不明确的话
- Automatic modification of the index register. 自动修改变址寄存器内容。
- A person's face is often an index of his mood. 一个人的脸部表情常常反映这个人的情绪。
- Do you know the price index in the city? 你知道这个城市的物价指数吗?
- The index is arranged in alphabetical order. 这索引是按字母顺序排列的。
- ambiguous index 歧义指数
- He canceled an ambiguous phrase in the speech. 他删去了讲稿中一个含义模糊的词语。
- She gave me an ambiguous answer. 她给我一个含糊笼统的回答。
- Ralph gave a mild ambiguous laugh. 拉尔夫露出了暧昧的温和的微笑。
- The financial times share index go up five point yesterday. 《金融时报》的股票指数昨天上升了五点。
- Berle took a somewhat ambiguous appointment. 伯利得到一项多少有点含糊不清的任命。
- Sometimes, however, the type is ambiguous. 但在有些时候,对于类型却是暧昧不清的。
- Ambiguous or evasive language; double talk. 不实之言含糊或避开正题的言语;有双重意思的话
- One that is puzzling, ambiguous, or inexplicable. 谜让人困惑、模糊、难以说清楚的物或人
- The Financial Times share index went up five points yesterday. 《金融时报》的股票指数昨天上升了五点。
- Why are you always so ambiguous about this problem? 为什么你总是对这个问题含糊不清?
- In fact,your ambiguous words amount to a refusal. 实际上,你说的那些模棱两可的话等于是拒绝。