- ambiguity of brand meaning 品牌意义暧昧
- The outcome towards the brand would result in the dilution of brand equity coming through brand meaning as understood by the consumer (either subjectively or objectively). 由于消费者对该品牌的理解(主观或客观)使品牌资产被稀释,从而导致该品牌所得到的结果。
- You must understand the ambiguity of my position. 你必须理解我处的位置不明确。
- Objective To control the ambiguity of the CR image. 目的:控制CR图像的模糊度,提高CR影像的质量。
- The con- sciousness of brand of clothes is hereof. 衣服品牌意识 就在于此了。
- Contract Sample of Brand Album Design? 品牌画册设计合同样本下载?
- An indispensable part of brand positioning. 品牌陈述,诉求不可缺少的一部分,大小、形状。
- This is our newest style of Brand Hoody. 这是我们的最新品牌风格的帽衫。
- Who Could Hold The Shills of Brand Marketing? 谁能掌握品牌营销之“道”?
- Shortage of brand acknowledgment by the customer. 缺乏消费者品牌认可。
- HDC is the core of brand culture. 是HDC的核心品牌文化。
- The prototype construction meaning throws light on the ambiguity of weak extro-orientational verbs, exocentric verbs. 由于原型句式语义的影响,使弱外向动词和离心动词构成的双宾句形成歧义。
- Of course, the ambiguity of his mortality frightens him. ”他会死去的这个念头一直令他害怕。
- Brand planning and implementation of brand image building. 实施品牌规划和品牌的形象建设。
- Because of the ambiguity of "surface" and "vertical", it is more commonly expressed relative to a more precisely defined vertical datum such as mean sea level at a named point. 但所谓“表面”或者“垂直”本身是难以界定的,所以更通常的方式是将垂直位置定义为相对于精确的垂直基准,比如平均海平面。
- The time of brand competition all over the world have already come. 品牌全球化竞争时代已经来临。
- Compare that kind of ambiguity with the typical modernist ambiguity of Harold Pinter's The Birth c/ay Party. 我们且把这种含糊不清与哈罗德·品特的《生日晚会》中典型现代主义的含糊不清做一比较。
- The critic should acknowledge the complexity and inherent ambiguity of the policymaker's choices. 评论者应该承认决策者作出抉择的复杂性及难以避免的缺乏鲜明性。
- Features of brands promotion in Russia. 在俄罗斯推广品牌。
- Be familiar with the sales mode of brand or perdurable consumable. 熟悉品牌或耐用消费品销售模式。