- An amazing performance that knocked the audience dead. 一场使观众为之倾倒的精彩演出
- Amazing performance from our last contestant...now it's tims for... 感谢最后一位选手带来的精彩演奏...现在颁奖的是...
- We were attracted by the amazing performance of the Polynesian dancers. 我们被波利尼西亚舞蹈演员精彩的表演所吸引。
- But the most amazing performance is that of newcomer Wei Tang, the Miss Universe finalist who makes her film debut in Lust, Caution. 梁和陈的表演令人动容,----梁演绎的是个权倾一时,冷酷无情的角色叫易先生,陈演绎的则是他的太太,一个索然无味,只靠逛街和麻将打发生命的官太太
- We are not a mechanically precise machine, we are a bundle of nerves which often tangle and get jangled, but are capable of amazing performance. 但我们并非机械般精确的机器,而是一捆神经的集合,纠缠不清,常受刺激,却能做出惊人成绩。
- His breakthrough as a player came in the 2005-06 season, starting with an amazing performance in the Joan Gamper Trophy match against Juventus. 他作为一名球员来到05-06赛季的重大突破,是在xxx锦标赛对阵尤文图斯,上令人惊讶的表演开始的。
- As we learn to manage it, you"re going to see some really amazing performances. 当我们学习如何管理它,你会看到一些令人惊讶的演出。
- The appearance of so many European actors and actresses made me surprised besides of Kate's amazing performance, and the strong lineup did amaze me. 除了凯特的精彩演出外还有令我吃惊的是影片中出现了许多欧洲著名演员,其阵容之庞大令我瞠目结舌。
- The Most Amazing Performance in the World 举世无双的节目表演
- This parrot is an amazing mimic. 这只鹦鹉很会学舌。
- The performance truly exalted the audience. 演出确使观众情绪高昂。
- He saw some amazing sights at the zoo. 他在动物园里看到一些珍禽异兽。
- It is amazing that she should have said nothing about the murder. 令人惊奇的是她竟然对这桩凶杀案不置一词。
- Just look at it. Isn't it amazing! 你看看。真叫人惊叹!
- He has an amazing appetite for hard work. 他出奇地喜爱艰巨的工作。
- I didn't think her performance was up to par. 我认为她表现得不及平时。
- We need a yardstick to measure our performance by. 我们的表现需要一个检验的标准。
- Live performance is the best! I am still keyed up. 现场演出是最棒的!我仍兴奋不已。
- We listened to her amazing story with rapt attention. 我们全神贯注地倾听她讲的惊人故事。
- People would not dig down for such a performance. 人们不愿意为这样的演出掏腰包。