- Do you know the economic policy of this year? 你知道今年的经济政策吗?
- They are thrashing out a new economic policy. 他们正在研究制定一个新的经济政策。
- alter economic policy 改变经济政策
- The government is under fire from all sides on its economic policy. 政府在经济政策上受到各方的严厉批评。
- The government has done a U-turnon its economic policy. 政府的经济政策已经完全改变了。
- The newspaper nicked at the government's economic policy. 报纸抨击了政府的经济政策。
- The new economic policy dimmed the popularity of the president. 新的经济政策使总统的声望下降。
- Reporters bombarded the President with questions about his economic policy. 新闻记者提出许多有关经济政策的问题围攻总统。
- Some of them beat the economic policy. 他们有些人钻了经济政策的空子。
- The government lacks a coherent economic policy. 政府缺乏协调的经济政策。
- It was a dispute over economic policy. 这是一场关于经济政策的争论。
- Over economic policy for the last month. 过去一个月中,他们一直在努力解决有关经济政策的争议。
- His economic policies paved the way for industrial expansion. 他的经济政策为工业的扩展铺平了道路。
- We are for the government's economic policy. 我们都拥护政府的经济政策。
- Their economic policy pave the way for industrial expansion. 他们的经济政策为工业发展铺平了道路。
- The reduction of unemployment should be paramount in the government's economic policy. 降低失业率应是政府经济政策的头等大事。
- The economic policy is a death blow to their illegal business. 该经济政策对他们的非法生意是一个致命的打击。
- They pursue economic policy in accord with the national interest. 他们根据国家利益执行经济政策。
- They pursued economic policies in accord with the national interest. 他们根据国家利益执行经济政策。
- After attacking the Government's economic policy, he went on to describe how the Labour Party would reduce unemployment. 他抨击了政府的经济政策之後,接著讲述工党降低失业率的计画。