- Beta titanium alloys exhibit the BCC allotropic form of titanium (called beta). 钛是体型立方晶格同素异形体钛和金。
- stable beta titanium alloy 稳定的β型钛合金
- beta titanium alloy β相钛合金
- Alpha Beta Colleges: has a complete system to help and take care of students. 学院拥有一套完整的学生咨询服务和深切关怀制度。
- At Alpha Beta students also benefit from learning about tolerance, acceptance and awareness of multicultural diversity. 在阿尔发倍塔学院,学生们可以学到如何坚韧、包容,并且能够领略到多元文化的神韵。
- Alpha Beta Colleges , established in 1972, is a modern, comprehensive international college of high repute. 阿尔发倍塔学院:创建于1972年,是一所具有很高声誉的现代化的、综合性国际院校。
- Alpha Beta Courier Service? This is Louise Walker calling from The Marketing Company. 阿尔法?贝塔专递服务吗?我是市场公司的露易丝?沃克。
- EATR is simply a wolf in sheep’s titanium alloy armour. EATR 只是一只穿戴羊的钛合金盔甲的狼。
- It is the first time to adopt titanium alloy on domes interiorly. 在国内舰船上使用尚属首次。
- The casting can meet requirement of titanium alloy creep fixed treatment. 研制出的铸件满足了钛合金蠕变定形处理的要求。
- Titanium alloy material (TC4) samples were treated with nitriding technique. 牙用钛合金TC4,使用渗氮表面技术处理。
- In situ titanium alloy matrix composites were fabricated by melting casting. 用熔铸法制备了原位自生钛合金基复合材料。
- Titanium Alloy Valve Retainer could help in reducing noise, friction, and vibration. 钛合金汽门帽可减低噪音、摩擦、震动。
- Titanium alloy blades artificial joints, golf heads face and auto connecting rod by precision forging. 钛合金精锻叶片、人工关节、高尔夫球头、打击面汽车连杆等。
- Based on the optimal process parameters, the ECAP processing of the Ti-6A1-4V titanium alloy has been carried out. 利用自行设计的ECAP模具,根据数值模拟确定的挤压工艺参数范围,实现了Ti-6Al-4V钛合金的ECAP变形。
- The hammer forging process of TC6 titanium alloy clasp has been simulated by using rigid-viscoplastic FEM. 在TC6钛合金卡环的高温锤锻过程中,模具承受非常大的应力。
- Abstract: In hot rolling of large rings of titanium alloy (LRTs), the ratio of roll radii R1/R2, i.e. 中文摘要: 在大型钛环热辗扩成形过程中,驱动辊半径R1与芯辊半径R2的比值R1/R2对变形区几何形状有重要影响,而后者对于获得高质量环件起着决定性的作用。
- The welding thermal elsto-plastic stress-strain cycle of titanium alloy was presented quantitively. 结果表明,钛合金焊接冷却过程中有卸载发生;
- The effects of laser transformation hardening (LTH) on the fretting wear of titanium alloy are investigated. 研究了激光淬火对钛合金微动磨损性能的影响。
- alpha beta alloy α β相合金