- alloy for cutting tools 切悉具合金
- For cutting tool grinding coarse grinding thread grinding processing smooth surface etc. 刀具刃磨、粗珩磨、磨螺纹、光滑表面加工等。
- Fluting is a problem of primary importance for cutting tool design and manufacture. 螺旋槽的生成是通用刀具设计和加工的基本问题。
- This method is new and unique.Its application will be helpful to analyze dilapidation and vibration strength for cutting tool. 该方法新颖、独特,其应用将有助于分析刀具的破损及耐冲击性。
- The status and development trend of surface treatments,such as nitriding,vapor deposition,plasma modification and multiplex surface treatment technolog y used for cutting tools were described. 介绍了渗氮、超低温处理、气相沉积、等离子改性以及复合表面处理技术等在切削刀具中的应用现状和发展趋势。
- The research status and development trend of surface treatments,such as nitriding,vapor deposition,plasma modification and multiplex surface treatment technology used for cutting tools were described. 介绍了渗氮、气相沉积、等离子改性以及复合表面处理技术等在切削刀具中的应用现状和发展趋势。
- I use a scythe for cutting grass. 我用大镰刀割草。
- A tool similar to a hatchet, used for cutting and dressing roofing slates. 石斧类似于短柄小斧的一种工具,用来修琢屋顶石板
- Axes are tools for cutting wood. 斧子是砍木头的工具。
- Presentation :Our CBN grinding wheels for cutting tool are used for cutting tool made of the high speed steel and our diamond grinding wheels are used for the cutting tool made of PCBN or PCD. 产品介绍: 陶瓷结合剂立方 氮化硼刀具磨砂轮 ,多用于磨削高速钢刀具,而陶瓷合剂金刚石刀具磨砂轮多用于磨削立方 氮 化 硼 和金刚石聚晶刀具。
- Alloy for double welding, very tough. 双重焊接用的钎料;非常硬.
- A bar for supporting cutting tools. 支持切割工具的条棒
- Gave me the devil for cutting class. 我因旷课而受到了严厉的惩罚
- A knife is a tool for cutting with. 刀是切割的工具。
- Holes are machined on lathes with various cutting tools. 孔眼可用不同的切削刀具在车床上加工。
- The boy received a bad scolding for cutting up in the swimming pool. 那孩子因在游泳池里胡闹而挨了一顿臭骂。
- Raney-type alloy for the preparation of Raney Nickel catalyst. 要求是雷尼镍催化剂的前躯体,也就是雷尼镍的半成品。
- Set up the path for processing cutting tool. 设置加工刀具路径。
- One of the main products is zinc alloy for diecasting. 其主产品之一是压铸锌合金。
- He could make a tool with a sharp edge for cutting. 他能做成一种刃口锋利的切削工具。