- He allowed that I had the right to appeal. 他同意我有权上诉。
- I must allow that she is capable. 我得承认她很能干。
- He allowed that they were right. 他承认他们是对的。
- We will never allow that to happen! No sir! 我们决不能允许那样的事情发生!决不能!
- Allow that emotion to consume you. 让这种情绪吞噬你。
- How come you don't allow that she's wrong. 你怎么就不承认她错了呢。
- Allow that everybody can earn $ 100,the total will be a lot. 假若我们每人能赚一百美元,总数将会很可观。
- He refuses to allow that such a situation could arise. 他拒不承认这种情况可能发生。
- It hurts to bear those costs, but we cant allow that to sway us. 承受这些代价很艰难但我们不能因此动摇.
- It hurts to bear those costs, but we can't allow that to sway us. 承受这些代价很艰难但我们不能因此动摇。
- I feel strongly against allowing that kind of action in my classroom. 我对班上的那种行为抱强硬态度。
- Allow that everybody can earn $100, the total will be a lot. 假若我们每人能赚一百美元,总数将会很可观。
- It hurts to bear those costs,but we cant allow that to sway us. 承受这些代价很艰难但我们不能因此动摇.
- I allowed that the point had been made. 我说这个目的已经达到。
- Mother allowed that we'd better come in for dinner. 妈妈认为我们最好是进屋吃饭。
- But he doubted he'd even be allowed that respite. 但他怀疑自己是否还拥有这样的机会。
- The officer allowed that it was an american tank. 那位军官承认这是一辆美国造的坦克。
- I couldn`t allowed that man in my gardon. 我可不能让那些人都在我的花坛里到处乱踩。
- UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: What mother in her right mind would allow that to happen? 一位没有透露身份的女士:一个正常思维的妈妈怎么会让那种事发生呢?
- James allowed that he might have been impolite to my friends. 詹姆士承认,他可能对我的朋友是不太礼貌。