- When allowing for price rises, over the past 13 years, the per-capita annual income of China's urban and rural residents increased by nearly nine fold and seven times respectively. 扣除物价因素,13年来,中国城市居民年人均收入增长了近9倍,农村居民年人均收入增长了7倍。
- Thanks to last year's salary increases, the income of urban residents has increased fairly rapidly, with per-capita disposable income reaching 2,126 yuan, up 16.2 percent on last year's same period when allowing for price rises. 受上年调资的滞后影响,城镇居民收入增长较快,人均可支配收入2126元,剔除价格因素,比上年同期增长16.;2%25。
- In 1997,China's GDP came seventh in the world,with per-capita GDP rising from 379 yuan to 6,079 yuan,an average annual growth of 8.4 percent when allowing for price rises. 到1997年,中国经济总量已居世界第七位。同期,人均GDP由379元提高到6079元,剔除价格因素,平均每年实际增长8.;4%25。
- In 1997, China's GDP came seventh in the world, with per-capita GDP rising from 379 yuan to 6,079 yuan, an average annual growth of 8.4 percent when allowing for price rises. 到1997年,中国经济总量已居世界第七位。同期,人均GDP由379元提高到6079元,剔除价格因素,平均每年实际增长8.;4%25。
- In 1952,China's GDP was only 67.9 billion RMB yuan,a figure which rose to 7,939.6 billion RMB yuan in 1998,with an average annual growth rate of 7.7 percent allowing for price rises,or over 2.5 times the average world growth rate in the same period. 1952年,中国国内生产总值只有679亿元,到1998年已达到79396亿元,扣除物价上涨因素,年平均增长7.;7%25,是同期世界平均增长率的2
- In 1952, China's GDP was only 67.9 billion RMB yuan, a figure which rose to 7,939.6 billion RMB yuan in 1998, with an average annual growth rate of 7.7 percent allowing for price rises, or over 2.5 times the average world growth rate in the same period. 1952年,中国国内生产总值只有679亿元,到1998年已达到79396亿元,扣除物价上涨因素,年平均增长7.;7%25,是同期世界平均增长率的2
- The per capita income for the residents averaged 980yuan, an actual rise of 8%, after allowing for price rises 居民人均收入980元,扣除物价上涨因素,实际增长8%25。
- although the European Central Bank to maintain interest rates unchanged, but of allowing for price rises, Mr.Claude, Triche taken a tougher tone. 尽管欧洲央行维持利率不变,但行长让?克洛德?特里谢对价格上涨采取了更为强硬的语气。
- Under the circumstances of oversupply and the impact of growing imports, little room has been left for price rises. 在农产品供大于求的格局下,以及受国外农产品进口增加的影响,农产品价格上升的空间有限。
- allowing for price rises 扣除物价上涨因素
- And their per capita wage was 8,346 yuan,an increase of 11.6 percent over the previous year,and a 13. 1 percent growth in real terms,allowing for price fluctuations. 城镇在岗职工平均工资为8346元,比上年增长11.;6%25,扣除价格因素,实际增长13
- Total retail sales of consumer goods was 3,415.3 billion yuan, up 9.7 percent on 1999, representing a real growth of 11.4 percent when allowing for price changes. 全年社会消费品零售总额34153亿元,比上年增长9.;7%25,考虑价格因素,实际增长11
- A deregulated industry is useful: ministers can bask in the benefit of low prices while deflecting blame for price rises on to rapacious energy giants. 一个放松管制的产业非常有用:大臣能充分享用低价的好处,同时把对涨价的指责推给贪婪的电力巨头。
- In the first six months, the per-capita disposable income of urban residents averaged 3,942 yuan, representing an actual increase of 17.5 percent when allowing for price rises. The growth rate greatly exceeded last year's 5.5 percent. 上半年,城镇居民人均可支配收入3942元,扣除价格因素,实际增长17.;5%25,明显高于去年同期5
- Ten days should be a big enough leeway to allow for delays. 把耽搁考虑在内,增加十天时间是绰绰有余的了。
- We must allow for the train being late. 我们必须想到火车会晚点的。
- It's best to allow for shrinkage when buying cotton clothes. 买棉布衣服时最好考虑到它们的缩水率。
- The beauty of the model is that it allows for “price discrimination”, says Atul Bagga of ThinkEquity, an investment bank. “最绝的模式是它允许价格识别(pricediscrimination)”,ThinkEquity投行的AtulBagga说道。
- Half hour intervals were allowed for meals. 工作用餐时间规定为半小时。
- In work with this cloth, be sure to allow for shrinking. 用这种布缝衣,务必考虑到洗後会缩水。