- allocated memory block 分配内存块
- When the program initializes, garbage collector allocates memory for generations.The initial size of memory blocks are determined according to the strategies of the .net framework. 当程序刚开始运行,垃圾收集器分配为每一代分配了一定的内存,这些内存的初始大小由.;netframework的策略决定。
- Error 17: EXTRN alloc memory fail ! 宣告EXTRN时,记忆体不足。
- Error 14: BIT label alloc memory fail ! 宣告BIT时,记忆体不足。
- Error 13: REG label alloc memory fail ! 宣告REG时,记忆体不足。
- Error 11: MACRO alloc memory fail ! 宣告MACRO时,记忆体不足。
- Recently the professor often has a memory block. 近来教授常常出现记忆不起的情况。
- HGLOBAL Handle to a global memory block. 全局内存块句柄。
- Copy data from one memory block to another. 将数据从一个内存块复制到另一个内存块。
- Reallocates a previously allocated memory chunk with a new size. 重新分配先前分配过的存储器空间。
- For string constants and literals, the compiler generates a memory block with the same layout as a dynamically allocated string, but with a reference count of -1. 对于串常量和串文本,编译器产生一个与上述动态分配串布局相同的内存块,但引用计数被置为 -1。
- The operating system will take care of committing the allocated memory. 操作系统负责内存的提交和分配。
- Writes the contents of the specified file into a memory block. 将指定文件的内容写入内存块。
- A pointer to the first byte of the allocated memory is pushed onto the stack. 将指向所分配的内存的第一个字节的指针推送到堆栈上。
- Adds the contents of a memory block to the response. 将内存块的内容添加到响应。
- New) Expands allocated memory size for the CSS Hardware Password Reset Service. 更新)为CSS硬盘密码重设服务扩展了可分配内存大小。
- Allocates a memory block and initializes each byte to zero. 分配内存块并初始化每个字节为零。
- He has a memory block. 他的记忆不灵了。
- Define a field but not yet allocate memory for it. 结构定义中声明的某成员变量未指明数据类型。
- The bulk data provider failed to allocate memory. 大容量数据访问接口分配内存失败。