- The DIA_3 allele frequencies were calculated: DIA_3~1= O. 观察到4种表现型;基因频率分别为DIA_3~1=0.;7727;
- Compare the genotype and allele frequency between PD and control and their subgroups. 比较各组间基因型及等位基因频率的差异。
- B1,B2 allele frequencies of CETP gene were 54.25%, 45.75%,and similar to that of Caucasian, and yellow race. CETP-TaqIB基因B1、B2等位基因频率为54.;25%25和45
- The B allele frequency of ESR gene in Erhualian sows is high and has a close relativity to TNB and NBA. 二花脸猪ESR座位B基因基因频率较高,并且和高产仔数和产活仔数高度相关;
- The allele frequencies in the three populations are consistent with that of the Mongoloid. 他们的基因频率与蒙古人种其他人群是一致的。
- Conclusion The variation of CPI value of the CODIS loci was obvious with different allele frequencies. 结论不同人群等位基因频率计算CODIS基因座所得的CPI值在部分亲权鉴定案中有很大的差异。
- Allele frequency and genetic distance were calculated and phylogenetic tree was constructed. 计算等位基因频率、遗传距离,构建系统发生树。
- No significant differences of genotype and allele frequencies between the matched groups were found. 各相匹配组间比较未发现基因型和等位基因频率的显著性差异。
- The allele frequencies of the ALAD1 and ALAD2 were 0.967 and 0.033, respectively. ALAD1和ALAD2等位基因频率分别为0.;967和0
- Allele frequencies in the groups were similar, with the exception of wild carps. 这些群体中的等位基因频率除了野生鲤鱼外都是相似的。
- The results show allele frequency is different significantly between breed s(P0.01). 结果表明:品种间基因频率差异极显著(P0.;01)。
- Objective To get allele frequency, genotype frequency and related forensic data of CSF1PO, TPOX and TH01 loci in Chinese Kazak ethnic population. 目的 获得CSF1P0、TPOX和TH0 1三个短串联重复序列 (shorttandemrepeat ,STR)在新疆哈萨克族人群中等位基因频率、基因型频率及相关法医学数据。
- The A allele frequency in patients with ACS was significantly higher and the A allele gene may be a risk factor for ACS. 说明ACS患者急性冠状动脉内血栓形成有遗传因素参与,而且A等位基因可能是ACS的一个危险因子。
- To prevent the error causing by uncertain allele frequencies, a conservative CPI value should be calculated in paternity testing. 为了防止等位基因频率不确定性带来的误差,建议在亲权鉴定中用保守法计算CPI值。
- RESULTS: Significant difference was found in genotype distribution and allele frequency between parents of CHD cases and of controls. 结果: 病例组和对照组父母基因型分布和等位基因频率差异具有统计学意义。
- Unless the second jar contains exactly 10 red and 10 blue marbles, there will have been a purely random shift in the allele frequencies. 除非第二瓶正好装有10粒红和10粒蓝的石子,不然就已经出现了等位基因频率的完全随机漂移。
- Genetic drift (Sewall Wright effect) The fluctuation of allele frequencies in a small population due entirely to chance. 遗传漂变(SwallWrighteffect):在一个小种群体里,由于偶然事件而导致等位基因频率的波动,称为遗传漂变。
- The phylogenic tree based on CODIS STR allele frequencies showed that Chao-Shan Han was much closer to Minnan Han, and relatively closer to Henan Han. 选取CODIS系统STR基因座的人群数据聚类分析结果显示潮汕汉族离闽南汉族很近,距河南汉族较近;
- The number of coronary vessel disease and mean CHD scores will be higher gradually with the increase of T allele frequency. 等位基因频率越高,冠状动脉病变支数越多,冠状动脉积分越高。
- GG 10.52%, and alleles frequencies were C 66.01% and T 33.99%. 等位基因频率:C66.;01%25、T33