- All without exception were glad. 无不称快。
- After your person is witnessed, all without exception is enchanted, or suffer edificatory, or get encouragement. 令人目睹之后,无不心动,或受启迪,或受鼓舞。
- White tennis is taken, tennis shoe and tennis itself all without exception go out fully showily with spark. 白色的网球服、网球鞋以及网球本身无不透出华贵和朝气。
- This policy justs to come on stage, express one's gratification of clap of common people all without exception. 此政策甫一出台,老百姓无不拍手称快。
- Speak of " establish a letter " , get the person that the accountant works, almost all without exception is witting. 说起“立信”,搞会计工作的人,几乎无不知晓。
- Conscription, government bonds, economic controls, famine relief and war relief, all without exception have become money-making opportunities for corrupt officials. 举凡兵役也,公债也,经济之统制也,灾民难民之救济也,无不为贪官污吏借以发财之机会。
- Gem is corollaceous, necklace, bracelet, dangler and ring all without exception are radiative set off figure, fine-looking, elegant the ray with grade. 珠宝花冠、项链、手镯、耳环和戒指无不放射着映衬身材、美貌、优雅和品位的光线。
- When the "sexy photos"event occured to her,suffering ,self-reproaching ,regreting, all without exception filled the broken heart. 当事件发生时,痛苦、悔恨、自责无一不充斥着这颗破碎的心。
- All these all without exception is adumbrative had come in 2002, our country, our Beijing will be stridden bigger steadier development pace. 这一切无不预示着已经到来的2002年里,我们的国家,我们的北京将迈出更大更稳健的发展步伐。
- In recent years food safety problem appears again and again, let people " the Sigu that lift chopsticks, all without exception is careladen " . 近年来食品安全问题频频出现,让人们“举箸四顾,无不忧心”。
- Their change, their struggling footmark, their competitive means, all without exception leaves thinking and enlightenment to the person. 他们的变化,他们的奋斗足迹,他们的竞争方式,无不给人留下思考与启示。
- Conscription,government bonds,economic controls,famine relief and war relief,all without exception have become money-making opportunities for corrupt officials. 举凡兵役也,公债也,经济之统制也,灾民难民之救济也,无不为贪官污吏借以发财之机会。
- The vestee of the color that children like, design, oneself start work made little manual work is waited a moment, all without exception puts on active note to decorate a room. 为了培养孩子的视觉和触觉能力,妈妈们会随意地在墙上、顶上挂上深色浅色的花呀、水果之类的挂画,孩子的眼睛对色差较大的图案印象颇深,他们会选择自己喜爱的图案与颜色。
- Beautiful mountains and rivers-land, fecund land, cornucopian resource, all without exception shows the development potential with tremendous post-horse. 漂亮的山川,肥沃的土地,丰饶的资源,无不显示驿马巨大的发展潜力。
- Farewell crosses the time that easy house appears on the market in light of the head to nod, market all without exception exclamations Zhou Xin " so lucky " . 再回过头来看易居上市的时间点,市场无不惊呼周忻“如此幸运”。
- Some pule in the crowd, some puts acoustical cry bitterly, all without exception is a good Party member, good to lose cadre, good comrade and feel distressed. 人群中有的低声啜泣,有的放声痛哭,无不为失去一位好党员、好干部、好同志而感到痛心。
- Quite true,the towns and the villages,the trade unions and the peasant associations,the Kuomintang and the Communist Party,all without exception have their executive committee members -- it is indeed a world of committeemen. 的确不错,城里、乡里、工会、农会、国民党、共产党无一不有执行委员,确实是委员世界。
- All students without exception must take the English examination. 所有的学生毫无例外,都必须参加英语考试。
- Mention stone village village, thumb of cock of people all without exception, one demit praises numerous mouth do poineering work the Wu Yun of Party branch secretary that promotes a village is tall. 谈起石庄村,人们无不翘起大拇指,众口一辞称赞创业兴村的党支部书记吴云高。
- Subsequently marriage, parturient, Yo, li Xiu all without exception undertakes around 19 buildings, the word that uses her says, here, she can experience everything in real life almost. 随后的结婚、生子、育儿,李秀无不围绕19楼进行,用她的话说,在这里,她几乎能感受到现实生活中的一切。