- I respect him all the more because he has faults. 因为他有缺点,我反而更尊敬他。
- The girl is all the more beautiful in her wedding gown. 那个女孩穿着婚纱格外美丽动人。
- I like the book all the more for its beautiful illustrations. 我因为精美的插图而更加喜欢这本书。
- She was all the more inclined to snap at Hall. 她真想痛痛快快地骂霍尔几句。
- Her question seemed to inflame him all the more. 她的问题似乎更加激怒了他。
- It makes him all the more proud. 这让他更骄傲了。
- Of all the girls she was the most tolerant. 在所有女孩子中她是最宽容的。
- We admired him all the more for his frankness. 他的率直使我们对他更加敬佩。
- We must work all the more quickly. 我们必须更加快点干。
- All the more reason to dump them. 这样更应该甩掉他们啊。
- I love her all the more because she is poor. 正因为她穷,我更爱她。
- She loves him all the more for his poverty. 她因他的贫困反而越发爱他了。
- The girl admired him all the more. 这个女孩越发钦佩他。
- She is the most vocal and pertinacious of all the critics of the policy. 在所有的政策批评家中,她是陈词最多而且最为固执的。
- Shen, of course, smiled all the more defiantly. 当然,沈还在挑战性地笑。
- The boss saddled her with all the most difficult customers. 老板把那些最难应付的顾客全推给她了。
- He put his wife on a pedestal and so was all the more hurt when he found she was capable of deceiving him. 他把妻子当作偶像崇拜,因此当他知道她是在欺骗他时,他受到的打击实在太大了。
- She reads the most distinctly of all the girls. 在所有女孩子中她读得最清楚。
- The proposition seemed all the more attractive. 此建议非常恰当。
- If you put in a good word for him, he's all the more likely to get the job. 要是你替他说句好话,他就更有可能得到这份工作了。