- All prizes are fixed and cannot be exchanged for cash. 所有奖品不得更换或兑换现金。
- Notes: All prizes will be awarded with Chinese RMB currency. Foreign candidates will be awarded in US dollars according to the current rate. 注:奖金以人民币支付,外国选手按比赛当时人民币与美金比价支付美金。
- This process is vital and urgent following the instruction from our clients that all prize money should be claimed on or before the DEADLINE on your notice. 这一过程是极其紧急的,我们客户声明,必须在通知书的有效期内对奖金由要求权。
- John carried off all the prizes in the contest. 约翰获得了比赛的全部奖品。
- It's a clean sweep; we've won all the prizes. 我们大获全胜;我们赢得了所有的奖品。
- The judge all concur in give john the prize. 评判员都同意把奖品给约翰。
- The Chinese artifacts in front of the window are all prized possessions of Professor van der Loon. Each has a different history. 窗前的中国摆饰,每一件都有不同的来历,都是龙彼得珍爱的。
- How much do all these figures stack up to? 这些数字的总和是多少?
- Tell me about all your doings in London. 告诉我你在伦敦所做的一切。
- If we all muck in we'll soon finish the job. 如果我们大家都动手,一会儿就可以干完这件事。
- We all have our little weaknesses. 我们都有些小缺点。
- They all cooed over the new baby. 他们对着新生婴儿爱抚地轻声细语。
- Get third prize is poor consolation for all their hard work. 他们那麽努力才获得三等奖,真有点说不过去。
- He had been bumming around the park all day. 他在公园里荡了一整天了。
- She made us all laugh with her zany tricks. 她那些滑稽的恶作剧逗得我们都大笑起来。
- The deer was peppered with shot all down one side. 那只死鹿的半边身子都被子弹击中。
- They all maintained a reverent silence. 他们都保持肃静。
- The bandits subject us to all sort of indignity. 强盗们对我们加以各种侮辱。
- All John's kith and kin came to his wedding. 约翰所有的亲戚朋友都来参加他的婚礼。
- I disavow all responsibility for you. 我不承认对你有任何责任。