- Her eyes are all of a lump this morning,she must have cried last night. 今天早上她的眼睛肿起来了,她昨晚一定是哭了。
- Her eyes are all of a lump this morning, she must have cried last night. 今天早上她的眼睛肿起来了,她昨晚一定是哭了。
- We were all of a twitter on the wedding day. 举行婚礼的那一天,我们都兴奋极了。
- The boy began crying all of a sudden. 那男孩忽然哭了起来。
- All of a sudden, the tyre burst. 轮胎突然爆裂了。
- All of a sudden, I found my handbag lighter a lot. 突然,我觉得我的手提包轻了很多。
- There seems to be some sort of a lump. 这儿看来有个硬块。
- His hands are all of a lump. 他的双手全肿起来了。
- All of a sudden we heard an unearthly cry. 我们突然听到一声怪叫。
- The dog made at me all of a sudden. 狗突然向我扑来。
- Everyone was all of a twitter over the wedding. 为了筹备婚礼大家都忙得团团转。
- All of a sudden her heart wrenched. 突然间她心痛如绞。
- Life seemed all of a sudden empty and meaningless. 生活突然显得一片空虚,毫无意义。
- All of a sudden he turned about and saw me. 他突然转过身来,看见了我。
- He was struck all of a heap on her change in attitude. 她态度的变化,让他摸不着头脑。
- Mother is all of a flutter because of thunder and lightning. 由于电闪雷鸣,妈妈感到十分不安。
- All of a sudden a piercing scream broke the silence. 突然,刺耳的尖叫声打破了寂静。
- The reception on the TV goes bad all of a sudden. 电视信号突然中断。
- The old man was all of a shake at the news. 听到这个消息,老人浑身直发抖。
- She's just a slip of a thing, but she can run faster than all of us. 别看她那麽瘦,跑起来比我们谁都快。