- We all lose consciousness when we go to sleep. 人睡觉都没有意识。
- We all lose patience with Tom because he broke his word. 我们都无法忍受汤姆,因为他失言。
- They say we all lose 21 grams at the exact moment of our death. 他们说我们在死去的那一刻体重都会减轻21克。
- To lose friend is the greast of all loses. 失掉朋友是一切损失中最大的损失.
- LI>To lose a freind is the greatest of all loses. 失掉朋友是一切损失中最大的损失。
- To lose a freind is the greatest of all loses. 失掉朋友是一切损失中最大的损失。
- We all lose 40 to 100 hairs a day as part of the body's natural cycle. 作为身体一部分的自然循环更替,我们每天都会掉40至100根头发。
- Run on foot by mistake, the full set is all lost. 一步走错,满盘皆输。
- With it you can face all changes, all loses. 有了它,你能面对任何变化,任何挫折。
- Hens all lose their appetite and are no longer interested in corns or insects. 蛋鸡所有失去食欲,并不再感兴趣鸡眼或昆虫。
- All covet, all lose. 贪多损失大。
- Onomatopoeia is a disease all LOST writers suffer from. 拟声词是一种疾病都失去了作家遭受。
- Were these kids fed too much melamine back home in China? Why do they all lose their marbles and resort to violence? 这些孩子是不是在中国三聚氰胺吃多了?为什么如此残暴,很黄很暴力。
- How much does life weigh?They say we all lose 21 grams at the exact moment of our death... everyone.The weight of a stack of nickels. 其实,21克是指人死时身体将失去的重量,21克也就是生命的重力,也代表着灵魂的分离。
- Later,in every big competition,the ball was all lost at the crucial moment! 后来,每次大的比赛中,都是在关键时刻把球输掉了!
- Lord, be merciful to us, we shall be all lost, we shall be all undone. 主啊!慈悲吧!我们都要完蛋了,我们都要毁了。
- Such a moving film was it that they were all lost in thought after it was over. 这电影如此感人,他们看完后都陷入沉思之中。
- The Israelites said to Moses, "We will die! We are lost, we are all lost! 以色列人对摩西说:“我们死啦!我们灭亡啦!都灭亡啦!
- No, my lad, either you have all lost your wits, or I have outlived mine. 不是的,朋友,或者是你们都发疯了,或都是我已经昏瞆了。
- Wrong target keyword and all losing give everything to appear so infructuous. 错误的目标关键词以及所有的负出一切都显得那么徒劳。