- They broke through all kinds of hardships. 他们克服了各种困难。
- He went through all kinds of hardships in the old society. 他在旧社会受尽了苦。
- My mother suffered all kinds of hardships throughout her life. 我母亲一生尝到了各种辛酸。
- His family suffered all kinds of hardships during the war. 他家在战争期间受尽了苦难。
- We experienced all kinds of hardships and finally got to our destination. 我们历尽艰辛,终于到达了目的地。
- Those are days of darkness, when many of them spent most of their lives enduring all kinds of hardships. 他们不少人就是在这种暗无天日的岁月中,饱尝辛酸地度过了大半生。
- She endured all kinds of hardships on the journey;nothing could keep her from finding her lost daughter. 途中她忍受了种种艰难困苦;什么都无法阻止他去寻找失散的女儿.
- Sometimes seems to lose all kinds of hardships, it is tantamount to losing the most precious wealth. 看来有时失去磨难,就等于失去最珍贵的财富。
- Since the mass games require tens of thousands of students to move together in unison like a machine, these student participants suffer all kinds of hardship and indignities. 大型团体操表演需要10万学生像机器那样和谐运转,孩子们不得不忍受各种各样的痛苦和侮辱。
- Chinese history and literature are full of such widows who endured all kinds of hardships and persecutions,but who lived for the day when their sons should do well and prosper,and perhaps even become prominent citizens.... 中国历史上和文学上充满着这种寡妇,她们忍受着一切的艰苦和虐待,生活下去,一直到她们看见儿子飞黄腾达,出人头地,也许甚至成为名人。蒋介石可说是最新的例证,他小时和他的守寡的母亲受着邻人虐待。这位寡妇一天对她的儿子寄着希望,便也一天不气馁。
- His work experience equipped him to deal with all kinds of people. 他的工作经验使他能与各种各样的人打交道
- In May, all kinds of plants are in full bloom. 五月里各种植物鲜花盛开。
- The minister has to attend all kinds of functions. 部长必须参加各种集会。
- untold hardships; all kinds of hardships 千辛万苦
- That's a mantelpiece cluttered up with all kinds of doodad. 那是个摆满了各种小玩意儿的壁炉架。
- have gone through all kinds of hardships 历经磨难
- He didn't seem to mind any kind of hardship. 他好象对什么苦都不在乎。
- People catch all kinds of infections in the winter. 冬天人们易患多种传染病。
- Water pollution imperils all kinds of marine life. 水质污染危及所有海洋生物。
- He did not seem to mind any kind of hardship . 他好象对什么苦都不在乎。