- all chrome and gut 坚强无畏
- At least 1,000 other species colonise the mouth, nose and gut. 而有至少1000种其他种类的细菌将口腔、鼻子和肠道作为它们的统治地。
- Leaders have the courage to make unpopular decisions and gut calls. 有勇气,敢于做出不受欢迎的决定,说出得罪人的话。
- Try to get your fishmonger to skin and gut the squid for you. 让鱼贩子帮你收拾一下鱿鱼,去皮和内脏。
- Genetics may yet threaten privacy, kill autonomy, make society homogeneous and gut the concept of human nature. But neuroscience could do all of these things first. 遗传学也许威胁到隐私,谋杀自治,使得社会同类化,并且摧毁人的本质的概念。但神经系统科学能首先做到所有这些事情。
- Some metals ,such as cobalt,nickel,chrome and so on ,can corrade the element in high temperature melting state and affect the service life of element. 部分金属如钴、镍、铬等在高温熔化状态可以对元件造成侵蚀,影响元件的寿命。
- Tired of the sterile look of chrome and tile many people are choosing the warmth of wood again. 人们厌倦了毫无生气的铬金属材料和瓷砖,再一次选择了有温暖感的木质材料。
- There was a bit too much blood and guts in the film. 这部影片中的凶杀情节有点太多了。
- Glitter and shine with chrome and silver-grey sheens and newborn whites in practical shapes suitable for spacewear. 闪耀的金属色和银灰色的以及新生的白色都是太空服饰很适合的装束。
- It is brand new for the Aurelia line, and weighs in at 5.7kg (12 pounds) of gleaming chrome and dense brass. 它是奥瑞利亚生产线的新品牌,重量在5.;7公斤(12磅),闪闪发光和密集的铜铬。
- We have the brains and guts to build paradise (or at least try). 我们有大脑和内脏来建筑天堂(或者至少尝试)。
- ESA then went to the extreme and gutted the entire show. 接着欧空局的极端和烧毁了整个表演。
- Often sol.invited me to his home for dinner. The family had a cook in a white uniform who worked in a kitchen of gleaming chrome and shining utensils. 索尔常常邀请我到他家吃晚饭。他们家有一个身穿白色制服的厨师,厨房里铬钢的厨具光洁锃亮。
- All John's kith and kin came to his wedding. 约翰所有的亲戚朋友都来参加他的婚礼。
- Often Sol invited me to his home for dinner. The family had a cook in a white uniform who worked in a kitchen of gleaming chrome and shining utensils. 索尔常常邀请我到他家吃晚饭。他们家有一个身穿白色制服的厨师,厨房里铬钢的厨具光洁锃亮。
- Dark chrome and black accents trim the kidney grille, side gills and dual tailpipes, while the side mirrors also get a black paint job. 暗铬装饰和黑色的口音肾脏格栅,侧鳃和双排气管,同时还可以一边镜子黑色油漆工作.
- The intestinal morphology, permeability of intestinal mucosa, bacterial translocation and gut immune barrier function were compared. 观察肠道形态学、道黏膜通透性、道细菌易位情况和血浆内毒素水平及肠道免疫功能检测。
- In this paper,the various methods of reclaiming chrome and collagen from chrome effluent and chrome-tanned leather sc... 本文就此问题着重介绍了如何从铬鞣废液及铬鞣革屑中回收铬及皮胶原,并将其重新用于皮革工业。
- I hope you can pardon his badness and let him start all over again. 希望您能原谅他的不好,让他从新开始。
- We believe in rumbling engines, pistons the size of garbage cans, fuel tanks designed in 1936, freight-train size headlights, chrome and custom paint. 我们相信隆隆引擎声,和垃圾桶一样大的活塞,1936年设计的油箱,和火车同尺寸的车头灯,特制的喷漆花样