- high concentration of acid and alkali waste water 表面加工废水处理工艺
- Preparation of Naphthenic Acids from Alkali Waste Water of Diesel Oil Alkali Wash by Oil Removing and Acidification 柴油碱渣脱油酸化制备环烷酸的研究
- alkali waste water 废碱水,碱性废水
- Under normal conditions,the major odor pollutants come from alkali waste treatment unit,sour water stripping unit,ammonia refining unit,sulfur reco... 正常生产情况下的主要恶臭污染源为碱渣处理装置、酸性水汽提装置、氨精制装置、硫磺回收装置和污水处理场。
- The pipe leads waste water to a pool. 这条管子把废水引向池子。
- The waste water outlet jammed suddenly. 废水出口突然堵了。
- Some factories in this locality still discharge waste water into the river. 这一地区有些工厂仍把废水排入河中。
- How can they get rid of waste water in this way? 他们怎能用这样的方式处理废水?
- Waste water pretreatment system, PLC autocontrol of adding acid and alkali in chlor-alkali production were introduced. 介绍了氯碱化工生产中污水预处理系统及加酸、加碱工艺的PLC自动化控制。
- The pipes are used to carry waste water. 这些管子是用来运送废水的。
- Do you waste water? Or do you use water wisely? 你会好好利用,还是会浪费食水?
- Under norma l conditions,the major odor pollutants come from alkali waste treatment unit,sou r water stripping unit,ammonia refining unit,sulfur recovery unit as well as was te water treatment site. 正常生产情况下的主要恶臭污染源为碱渣处理装置、酸性水汽提装置、氨精制装置、硫磺回收装置和污水处理场。
- How can we make waste water clean? 我们怎样才能使废水净化呢?
- Don't pollute waste water in the river? 别破坏河里的废水?
- They did nothing to make the waste water clean. 他们没有采取措施净化废水。
- Don't throw the waste water into the river. 不要把废水排入河中。
- Caustic washing and oil deposition from alkali waste were used to determine the solubilization capacity of sodium naphthenate for oil fractions. 采用馏分油碱洗脱酸和由碱渣中析油两种方法测定了石油酸钠对馏分油的增溶能力及水溶性醇类对这种增溶作用的影响。
- Don't waste water for playing game. 不要把水浪费在玩游戏上。
- Please stop waste water and power! 请不要浪费水电。
- I'll speak to the newcomer about his wasting water. 我要提醒那个新来的叫他不要浪费水。