- alkali drop test 碱滴试验
- Immediately after conditioning, the sample is subjected to the Drop Test and Enclosure Push Test. 随即依下列的条件,将此sample作落地实验及封口压力实验。
- The effects of liquid sloshing on spinning stability of satellite are investigated by means of drop test. 利用落塔试验研究液体晃动对卫星自旋稳定的影响。
- After the except ion of the solder ball with failure mode A1, the major failure mode in drop test was mode B3. 扣除掉破坏模式A1的锡球后,掉落冲击实验中锡球以破坏模式B3居多;
- Drop Test Tile is used to simulate actual floor. Help evaluate whether hazardous conditions may occur when a toy fall onto floor. 跌落测试地板是模拟真实的地板,测试玩具跌落在地板上对玩具产生的破坏及破坏后造成的影响。
- Use the most economic package material, the most reasonable construction design to attain most ideal design result, and make the products pass every kind of drop test in the end. 用最经济的包材,最合理的结构设计,达到最理想的设计效果,并使产品最终通过各种包装测试。
- The remailer box is 3-ply A3A (at least 170 lbs depends on products) brown box, it can pass the drop test for 36". Please see the picture for your reference only. 邮寄箱是3层的A3A(A是指纸的类型,3是指3层,这个去问纸箱厂就知道了)棕色纸箱,要通过36"高的摔箱测试。请参考附件图片。
- S.C.Chen, L.T.Huang, H.L.Wang, T.Y.Wu (2004), “Simulation and Verification on the Drop Test of 3C Products”, the 28th National Conference on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics . 吴东岳,庄清锵,王仲宇,陈夏宗,丁承先(2004);“向量式有限元分析薄膜结构”;中华民国第七届结构工程研讨会论文集;中坜.
- Test specification Test name DROP TEST FOR UNPACKED APPARATUS Evaluate the shock resistance of an apparatus unpacked to resist a series of drop tests. 评估无包装的仪器的耐震强度来进行一系列下落测试。
- For the fuze setback arming of a projectile, there are two main force environments, one is a projectile launched in the bore, and another is the force environment of the 1.5 m drop test of ammunition from the standard. 对于弹药引信的后坐保险来说,主要的受力环境有两种,一种是弹丸在膛内的发射环境,另一种是标准规定的1.;5m跌落试验环境。
- Meanwhile we also produce the test equipments of kid handcarts : the automatic equipments such as durable test enginery , impact test enginery , barrier-across test enginery ,drop test enginery and so on . 同时我们尚生产儿童推车的试验设备:耐久性试验机、冲击试验机、跨越障碍试验机、跌落试验机等自动化设备,欢迎选购。
- To determine the reason of impact breakage of new developed plastic packing box for certain cannonball in drop test, this article derives the actual stress formulas in the position of impact breakage. 摘要为确定新研制的某炮弹塑料包装筒在跌落试验中,产生冲击破坏的原因,通过理论计算和试验研究。
- Discribes the construction and operation principle of the equipressure style buffer and the drop test facitity with the equipressure style snubber. Presents the influence factors upon shock acceleration and its adjustment methods. 介绍了等压式缓冲器及装有等压式缓冲器跌落冲击台的结构及其工作原理,说明了影响冲击加速度的因素及其调整方法。
- This kind of soil contains much alkali. 这种土壤含碱丰富。
- A simple test will show if this is real gold. 简单的试验就能证明这是否是真金。
- Leaded and lead-free BGA (ball grid array) components were tested in board level drop test defined in the JEDEC (Joint Electron Device Engineering Council) standard. 按照JEDEC标准对板级跌落实验的要求测试了有铅和无铅焊点的球栅阵列封装。
- Using the bags that passed the initial drop testing, HP then packed three of these bags into the cardboard overpack that would be used to ship the computers to a store. 使用塑料袋是通过了初步测试下降,惠普然后装三个塑料袋到纸板外包装将用于船舶的电脑商店。
- However, surface B has the same problem after several drop tests that the reverse side of the lid is cracked and there are visible cracks but no cracking in the surface . 面反复经过几次跌落测试都是发生同样的问题;盖子的反面都会有裂痕;而盖子的正表面可以看到有明显的凹陷;但是没有开裂.
- At last, a new method for pressure drop testing curve analysis of fracture-carven reservoir has been deduced and it compiled the program on the basis of the new method. 从根本上研究得出缝洞性储层压降试井曲线分析的新方法,并将该方法编写成计算机程序。
- KMV method can test wool acid, alkali injury. KMV法可测试羊毛的酸、碱损伤程度;