- aldosterone hemiacetal 醛甾酮半缩醛
- Eplerenone is a selective aldosterone antagonist. 依普利酮是选择性的醛甾酮拮抗药。
- Aldosterone is the most important and powerful salt cortex hormone. 醛固酮是人体内最重要、作用最强的盐皮质激素。
- The thiophane ring was established via reduction of hemiacetal, mesylation of diol, and double SN2 substitution of dimesylate. 经半缩醛的还原,甲磺酸酯化,硫代关环,构建四氢噻吩环;
- The thiophane ring was established via reduction of hemiacetal, tosylation of diol, and double SN2 substitution of ditosylate. 第二章设计了以从棕榈籽制备的D-甘露糖为手性源,经聚苯乙烯负载三氯化铁催化异亚丙基化、苯甲酰基保护、选择性水解、聚苯乙烯负载二乙酸碘苯氧化、Wittig-Horner反应引入侧链、催化氢化、一锅法脱苯甲酰基及半缩醛还原、对甲苯磺酸酯化、硫代关环、构建四氢噻吩环;
- Creatinine clearance was correlated directly with plasma aldosterone and inersely with renin. 肌酐清除率与血浆醛固酮浓度正相关,与肾素水平反相关。
- The principal adrenocortical products are aldosterone, cortisol and dehydroepiandrosterone sulphate. 肾上腺皮质的主要产物为醛固酮、皮质醇和脱氢异雄酮硫酸盐。
- With the absence of oxygen, branched alkaline would be produced.Whereas when oxygen was available, some other structures like hemiacetal, ether bond were produced. 其中无氧条件下可能发生侧链烷烃交联而形成支链,在有氧分子参与的情况下,反应进一步进行形成一些架桥结合,诸如半缩醛、醚键等等。
- The etiology of IHA,the main subtype,is related with increased abnormal aldosterone excreted factor and genovariation. IHA为主要类型,发病与异常的促醛固酮分泌因子的增加及基因变异有关。
- Renin angiotensin aldosterone(RAA) system was highly activated,while the blood pressure maintained normal. 肾素血管紧张素醛固酮(renin angiotensin aldosterone,RAA)系统活性明显升高。
- The use of aldosterone antagonists for dilated cardiomyopathy improves levels of morbidity and mortality. 在扩张型心肌病治疗上加用醛固酮受体拮抗剂可改善发病率和死亡率。
- Conclusion These studies indicate that kidney, liver and lung are able to produce aldosterone. 结论研究证明了肾脏、肝脏及肺脏能够合成醛固酮。
- And finally we found that undering the catalysis of L-proline, the anhydride materials which are easily ringing formed hemiacetal cannot react with acetone using asymmetric Aldo reaction. 并发现,在L-脯氨酸催化下,易形成环状半缩醛结构的醛类化合物与丙酮不能进行不对称羟醛缩合反应。
- Conclusion The level of plasma aldosterone in the rat with pressure overload is increased. 结论压力负荷增加大鼠血浆醛固酮水平是升高的;
- Objective To develop endolymphatic hydrops in both ears of guinea pigs by aldosterone. 目的豚鼠腹腔注射醛固酮建立膜迷路积水的动物模型。
- Complementary and Incremental Mortality Risk Prediction by Cortisol and Aldosterone in Chronic Heart Failure. 关键词:心力衰竭;心血管疾病;一氧化氮;非洲美洲;试验
- Greene EL,Kren S,Hostetter TH.Role of aldosterone in the remnant kidney model in the rat.J Clin Invest.1996,98(4):1063. 邹军;杜学亮;蒋更如.;不同程度慢性肾功能不全患者血醛固酮水平变化
- The concept and meaning of clearance; Function and regulation of aldosterone; Secretion of H+、NH3、K+; Micturition reflex. 清除率的概念及测定意义;醛固酮的作用和调节;H+、NH3、K+分泌;排尿反射。