- aldosterone excretion rate 醛固酮排泄率
- In the DN group,the ACE genetype and AT1R genetype do not related with albumin excretion rate. 糖尿病肾病患者每分钟尿白蛋白排泄率与ACE和AT1R基因多态性无明显相关性。
- Relationship between albumin excretion rate and aortic stiffness in untreated essential hypertensive patients. 未经治疗的原发性高血压患者的白蛋白分泌率与主动脉硬化之间的关系。
- Single dose injection method is used for substances with slow renal excretion rate. 单个剂量注射法,这可用于肾排泄率缓慢的试验物质。
- Aim :To observe the relationship between urinary albumin excretion rate (UAER) and 24h ambulatory blood pressure(ABP). 目的:观察临界高血压患者24小时动态血压变化及其与尿白蛋白排泄的关系。
- Results: Severe the TCM symptoms of diabetes was,higher the urine protein excretion rate was. 结果:糖尿病中医症状表现越严重,尿白蛋白排泄率越高。
- We can know about the functional conditions of glomerulus and tubule by checking the excretion rate of the proteins. 测试蛋白排泄率,可了解肾小球的情况(包括肾小管重吸收功能)。
- To investigate the relationship between urinary albumin excretion rate (UAER)and intracranial artery atherosclerosis. 探讨尿蛋白排泄率(UAER)与颅内动脉粥样硬化的关系。
- During 5.8 years of follow-up, 93 of 1105 participants with normal albumin excretion rate (AER) at DCCT closeout deeloped incident microalbuminuria. 在5.;8年的随访研究中,1105名在DCCT研究结束时白蛋白排泄率(AER)正常的参与者中有93名发生了偶见的微量白蛋白尿。
- The average maximum excretion rate to DBand 4-OH-DB were both 1 .67 h which suggested the quick absorption andpresystemic metabolism of DB. 0559h~(-1)。 DB和4-0H-DB的最大平均排泄速率时间均为1.;67h;说明DB口服吸收迅速;并可能存在“体循环前代谢”。
- The BG,Bp,BUN,Cr and urinary protein excretion rate of 21 NIDDM patients with proteinuria,who were treated for 2 weeks with captopril,were studied. 观察21例伴有蛋白尿的非胰岛素依赖型糖尿病(NIDDM)患者用卡托普利(Captopril)治疗2周前后的尿蛋白排泄率,血糖、血压、血尿素氮(BUN)、血肌酐(Cr)等的变化。
- Paving HH,Jenser HA,Mogensen CE,et al.Increased urinay albuinin excretion rate in beging essential hyertension[J].Lancet,1974,1:1190. 刘伯树.;体重血脂与病病相关的调查研究[J]
- The etiology of IHA,the main subtype,is related with increased abnormal aldosterone excreted factor and genovariation. IHA为主要类型,发病与异常的促醛固酮分泌因子的增加及基因变异有关。
- Methods To contrast the 24 hours urinary albumin excretion rate (UAER) and creatimine cleaning rate (Ccr) in 41 diabetic nephropathy patients. 方法对41例糖尿病肾病患者应用凯时治疗前后24小时尿蛋白及肌酐清除率对照。
- Objective:To investigate the relationship between Urinary albumin excretion rate (UAER) and plasma t-PAA,PAIA in diabetic nephropathy (DN). 目的:探讨糖尿病肾病(DN)临床中尿白蛋白排泄率(UAER)与组织纤溶酶原激活物(t-PAA)、纤溶酶原激活物抑制物(PAIA)的相关性。
- The effects of temperature on oxygen consumption rate and ammonia excretion rate of Neverita didyma were studied in laboratory. 在实验生态条件下,研究了温度对不同个体大小扁玉螺耗氧率和排氨率的影响。
- During 5.8 years of follow-up, 93 of 1105 participants with normal albumin excretion rate (AER) at DCCT closeout developed incident microalbuminuria. 在5.;8年的随访研究中,1105名在DCCT研究结束时白蛋白排泄率(AER)正常的参与者中有93名发生了偶见的微量白蛋白尿。
- Results The alprostadil injection can improve the urinary albumin excretion rate(UAER) and creatimine cleaning rate(Ccr) of the diabetic nephropathy patients (P<0.05). 结果凯时对糖尿病肾病患者的尿蛋白及肌酐清除率均有改善(P<0.;05)。
- Objective To investigate the impact of low molecular heparin(LMH)and valsartan on urine albumin excretion rate(UAER)in patients with early type-2 diabetic nephropathy(DN). 目的观察低分子肝素联合缬沙坦对2型早期糖尿病肾病(DN)患者尿白蛋白排泄率(UAER)的影响。
- At the 10th week,the levels of blood glucose(BG),24 hours urine albumin excretion rate(AER),urine VEGF,and MIF were detected using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay(ELISA). 于10周末用酶联免疫吸附法(ELISA)检测血糖(BG)、24 h尿白蛋白排泄率(AER)、尿液VEGF及MIF;