- Construction of methyl alcohol production project. 甲醇生产项目建设。
- The paper discussed the present situation and the progress of oxo alcohol production technology. 阐述了羰基合成醇生产的现状及生产技术的进展。
- The content of flavonoids in waste liquid of alcohol production from sugarcane molasses was determined by spectrophotometry using rutin as standard substance. 以芦丁为标准物质,用分光光度法测定了甘蔗糖蜜酒精废液中黄酮类化合物的含量。
- When there is rapid yeast growth, the speed of alcohol production surpasses the rate of alcohol excretion by the cell to the juice. 当有酵母菌快速增长酒精生产速度大于酒精排泄率由细胞的汁液。
- According to the applications of the separator for fusel oils in alcohol production, the comprehensive effects were introduced briefly. 根据杂醇油分离器在生产中的应用,就其产生的综合效应进行简单介绍。
- With the use of other biomass such as stalk and potato in fuel alcohol production, the application range of silo storage system had further expanded. 在燃料乙醇生产中随着其他生物质房、料(如秸秆和薯类原料等)的采用,筒仓储存系统的应用范围进一步拓宽。
- The fuel alcohol production by fermentation through enzymatic hydrolysis could partly replace crude oil.Biomass can also be used to produce other chemicals and biochemicals. 应用酶水解技术处理生物质所制造的燃料酒精可以部分替代石油,生物质还可以被进一步转化成其他的化学产品及生物化学品。
- Falsely reporting the classification of tobacco or alcohol products. 七菸酒课税类别申报不实者。
- Some volatilizable substances such as methanol in steam can come into product directly,and influence product greatly if the factory adopts traditional heating method in alcohol production. 当甜菜糖蜜酒精生产企业采用传统的直接加热方式生产酒精时,蒸汽中的甲醇等易挥发组分直接进入产品,对酒精质量影响很大,因此改善蒸汽品质对酒精质量是至关重要的。
- Cellulose, instead of traditional grains, was used in fuel alcohol production by biotransformation , which could reduce production cost.And such plentiful renewable resource should be fully utilized. 将纤维素生物质转化为燃料酒精,可以降低传统以粮食为原料的酒精发酵工业的成本,充分利用这种数量巨大的可再生资源。
- The judge enjoined him from selling alcohol. 法官禁止他卖酒。
- Torres China will not sell any alcoholic product to anyone below the age of 18. 桃乐丝中国不销售任何含酒精产品给18岁以下人士。
- Goods returned to the factory for reprocessing or refining into taxable tobacco or alcohol products. 三滞销退厂整理或加工为应税菸酒者。
- For untaxed tobacco and alcohol products auctioned off by the court or other agencies: the purchaser. 四法院及其他机关拍卖尚未完税之菸酒,为拍定人。
- Wah Hong Zhejiang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. is a production of sugar alcohol products as the main body, xylitol, maltitol, and other family-oriented specialized production. 浙江华康药业有限公司是一家以生产糖醇类产品为主体,木糖醇、麦芽糖醇等系列产品为主导的专业化生产。
- Brands needed are Patron, Jose Cuervo, Grey Goose, Alize, Hpnotic.All alcohol products welcome to reply. 美国,酒精,Alcohol,化工,买家询盘求购信息:I need to find a supplier for alcohol products.
- The separation and depth processing and application of alcoholate product from fusel oil is also introduced. 对以杂醇油为原料进行分离、提纯和深加工的方法进行了综述;
- waste grains solution in potato alcohol production 薯类酒精糟液
- Jim's doctor advised him to forbear from alcohol. 吉姆医生建议他尽量不喝酒。
- Demand is outstripping current production. 现在需求逐渐超过了生产能力。