- alarm relativity analysis 告警相关性分析
- Grey relativity analysis is a theoretical method of grey system theory. 灰色关联度分析是灰色系统理论的一种理论方法。
- ACCP presented positive correlation with IgA-RF, IgG-RF and IgM-RF by Spearman relativity analysis. 抗CCP抗体和RF(IgA、IgM、IgG)经Spearman相关分析,呈正相关。
- We propose an algorithm based on spectral analysis on graph Laplacian to decompose the problem and perform parameter relativity analysis to provide state abstraction. 这篇研究基于针对拉普拉斯图的光谱分析提出新的问题切割演算法,并在切割过的子问题上分析参数相关度来施行状态抽象化。
- She counterfeited alarm when he confessed his love. 当他向她示爱时她假装惊讶的样子。
- An Application of the Grey Relative Analysis to the Evaluation of Grassland Quality of North Part of Tianshan Mountain. 新型灰色关联度分析法在天山北坡天然草地类型质量评价中的应用。
- The relative analysis and resolving usually lead to the elliptic integral which is difficult to be resolved. 但实际的单摆运动的分析求解将会导致没有解析解的椭圆积分。
- I didn't wake up until I heard the alarm clock. 直到听到闹钟的铃声我才醒来。
- The relative analysis suggested that there were relationship between the RBC C 3bRR and MAD content in plasma and erythrocyte membrane. RBC C3bRR与血浆MDA、红细胞膜MDA呈负相关 ,其中红细胞膜MDA和RBC C3bRR关系更为密切。
- Einstein put forward his new theory of relativity. 爱因斯坦提出了相对论的新学说。
- The burglar alarm was activated by mistake. 防盗铃误响了。
- Relative analysis demonstrated NO level had significant correlation with NOS activity in cere-brum,cerebellum and liver of HE rats(r=0.7284,r=0.8220,r=0.7010;P<0.001). HE模型组大脑、小脑、肝组织中NO含量与NOS活性呈正相关(r=0.;7284;r=0
- Einstein's theory of relativity. 爱因斯坦的相对论。
- In this paper, qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis, as well as relative analysis from game theory and regression analysis from econometrics are adopted. 该论文的研究方法主要有定性分析和定量分析,同时还采用了博奕论中的相关分析法以及计量经济学中的回归分析法,在第五章中则采用了比较分析法,对不同国家间土地非农化调控措施进行了对比分析。
- The smoke triggered off the alarm. 这些烟把警报器触响了。
- I was so sleepy, I thought it was my alarm clock. 那个时候我很困,所以以为是闹钟在响。
- By means of literature review,statistics and other relative analysis,comprehensively studies the development of the competitive pattern of CBA over the past 10 years. 采用文献资料、数理统计等研究方法,对近10年我国CBA联赛竞赛格局的发展动态进行量化分析与研究。
- By means of literature review, statistics and other relative analysis, comprehensively studies the development of the competitive pattern of CBA over the past 10 years. 摘要采用文献资料、数理统计等研究方法,对近10年我国CBA联赛竞赛格局的发展动态进行量化分析与研究。
- The troops (were) stood down: it was a false alarm. 部队解除了戒备状态,原来是虚惊一场。
- An alarmed relative drove him from his West London house to his local casualty unit in posh Belgravia, says The Sun. 太阳报说他的亲戚把他从西伦敦的家中送到位于贝尔塔莱维亚区当地的一家医院。