- In Afghanistan, Taliban and al Qaeda fighters tried to regain power by regrouping and engaging Afghan and NATO forces. 在阿富汗,塔利班和“基地”组织的成员进行重组并与阿富汗以及北约部队交战,从而试图夺回政权。
- al Qaeda fighter 基地组织战士
- Jordanian-born Abu Musab al Zarqawi, leader of al Qaeda in Iraq;U.S. 伊拉克基地组织头目、约旦人扎卡维;
- The targets are Al Qaeda suspects wanted for bombing embassies in 1998. 目标为1998年意图轰炸大使馆的基地组织嫌疑犯。
- He is thought of as a modern-day Robin Hood and soon built a group that he called al Qaeda. 他被推崇为现今的侠盗罗宾汉,很快就建立起一个他命名为《盖达》的恐怖组织。
- A Somali official says a senior Al Qaeda suspect has been killed in a US air strike. 一位索马里官员表示,一个基地组织高级嫌疑犯在美军的空袭中死亡。
- We uncovered an al Qaeda cell developing anthrax to be used in attacks against America. 我们破获了正在研制炭疽,以用于袭击美国的一个“基地”组织。
- We've broken al Qaeda cells in Hamburg, Milan, Madrid, London, Paris, as well as, Buffalo, New York. 我们还捣毁了"基地"组织在汉堡、米兰、马德里、伦敦、巴黎和纽约布法罗的团伙。
- Recently, local tribal leaders have begun to show their willingness to take on al Qaeda. 最近,当地的一些部落头目也开始自愿对付。
- Our military forces in Anbar are killing and capturing al Qaeda leaders, and protecting the local population. 我们在Anbar军队正在追杀和俘获。
- The records' release would give al Qaeda "ready-made" propaganda ammunition, the CIA's Leon Panetta said. 中情局的帕内塔说,这些记录的公开会给基地组织提供“现成的”宣传弹药。
- British landmarks were also targeted by the al Qaeda mastermind. Mohammed admitted to targeting Big Ben, Heathrow Airport and the Canary Wharf Building. 英国的标志性建筑同样成为穆罕默德的眼中钉。他承认曾密谋炸毁大笨钟、希思罗机场和金丝雀码头等。
- Some are radicalized followers of the Sunni tradition, who swear allegiance to terrorist organizations like al Qaeda. 一些是逊尼派的激进信徒,他们发誓效忠于像基地组织那样的恐怖组织。
- In the last several months, there have been a number of voices, both official and unofficial, eulogizing al Qaeda. 在过去的几个月里,出现了不少来自官方和非官方的鼓吹基地组织的声音。
- Iraqi security forces need to continue to grow and improve and take the fight to al Qaeda and other extremist groups. 伊拉克安全部队需要继续增长和改进和采取战斗对阿尔-凯达和其它极端小组。
- The ETIP/ETIM has fought alongside al Qaeda and the Taliban in Afghanistan and elsewhere. 东土运动或东土党已经在阿富汗及其它地区与基地组织和塔利班一起作战。
- The Tanzanian suspect is charged in the 1998 al Qaeda bombings of two US embassies in Africa. 这位坦桑尼亚的嫌疑犯因1998年在非洲涉嫌参与基地组织轰炸美国两个大使馆而受到指控。
- Well,you make something up. Something about al qaeda using stolen bearer bonds to finance shady operations,whatever. 你就编个借口咯。就说基地组织在用偷来的债券资助小的恐怖团体之类的。
- Al Qaeda was almost successful in assassinating the Queen of England when she visited Uganda last November. 去年11月,英女皇访问乌干达时,差点就被基地组织成功暗杀。
- After all, Saddam was exactly the kind of secularist autocrat that al Qaeda despised. 里面的十几条结论中,有的说布什在某一问题上的言论不受当时情报支持;