- airlift oil recovery 气体采油
- Application of low-frequency pulse oil recovery technique. 低频脉冲采油增产技术的研究与推广应用。
- Application of a nitrogen generator in oil recovery. 膜制氮气装置在石油开发中的应用。
- Application of ESP technology on viscous oil recovery. 抗稠油电潜泵工艺技术与应用
- Applied prospects of new type of Gemini surfactant in tertiary oil recovery. 新型Gemini表面活性剂在三次采油中的应用前景
- Inpouring polymer flooding is one important process to enhance oil recovery. 摘要聚合物驱油是提高原油采收率的重要方法之一。
- Carbon dioxide miscible flooding is an important way for enhanced oil recovery. 油藏注二氧化碳驱是提高采收率的一种重要方法之一。
- But Lord Browne added that improvements in oil recovery techniques would yield more reserves. 但英国石油首席执行官布朗勋爵表示,石油采收技术的改进,将产生更多的储量。
- The Mechanism for Enhanced Oil Recovery by Local Enrichment of A Bacterium Psendomonas sp. 菌局部富集提高原油采收率机理。
- Field experiment of microbial enhanced oil recovery in Luo 801 block of Luojia oilfield. 罗家油田罗801块微生物驱矿场试验
- Re-use of retained polymer underground is a new method of enhanced oil recovery(EOR) after polymer flooding. 再利用地下滞留聚合物是聚合物驱之后进一步提高原油采收率的新途径。
- The depressurization development is a special method for increasing oil recovery rate by using unstable water flooding. 系统地总结了任丘裂缝型碳酸盐岩潜山油藏在“九五”期间开展的降压开采现场试验成果。
- Our country has the advantages in inpouring polymer flooding to enhance the crude oil recovery. 我国具有注聚合物驱油提高原油采收率的有利条件。
- This paper presents the major application cases of enhanced oil recovery(EOR) in the former Soviet Union. 该文介绍了前苏联应用提高采收率技术的主要情况。
- The experimental results show that the displacing agent M can greatly enhance oil recovery. 实验结果表明,M驱油剂可大幅度提高水驱原油采收率。
- Unstable waterflooding was verified to be able to enlarge sweep efficiency and en-hance the ultimate oil recovery. 实践证明不稳定注水能够提高注水波及系数,提高油藏最终采收率。
- This paper is to investigate if lyotropic liquid crystal system can improve oil recovery after polymer flooding. 该文研究的目的在于考察溶致液晶体系在聚合物驱以后能否进一步提高采收率的问题。
- Nitrogen injection being used to enhance oil recovery in many oilfields, particularly in overthrust fault. 许多油田,特别是在逆掩断层油藏中,正在大量注氮提高原油采收率。
- The effect of concentration, mass of injected surfactant and injection opportunity on oil recovery were discussed. 讨论了表面活性剂质量分数、注入量、注入时机等参数对采油效果的影响。
- The factors constraining the economic benefit of tertiary oil recovery are analyzed from the strategic point of view. 对制约三次采油经济效益的因素,从战略角度进行了分析;