- Aircraft Crash Rescue Field Assistance and Evaluation Team 飞机失事救援现场支援与鉴定小组
- Air cushion crash rescue vehicle 气垫应急救助船
- Harrier jet was accused of an incident when a motorist reported his windscreen melted when the aircraft crash landed nearby and burst into flames. 另一位驾车者则控诉他的车窗被头顶飞过摔下的飞机所燃起的火焰烧化。
- The aircraft crashed and burst into flames. 飞机坠毁起火。
- A sophisticated aircraft crashed into the visitors. 一架很先进的飞机坠入参观的人群中。
- The enquiry found that the light aircraft crashed after its engine seized up through lack of coolant. 调查报告表明,这架轻型飞机是由于发动机缺少冷却剂而失灵坠毁的。
- Convoys of police and rescue vehicles raced to the town. 警卫护送队和救援车辆迅速到达了这座镇。
- The paper introduces deep submergence rescue vehicle (DSRV) underwater interfacing apparatus,which has four intellectual manipulators,and its hydraulic pressure control system. 本文介绍了具有四只智能机械手的深潜救生艇(DSRV)水下对接装置及其液压控制系统。
- Where a motor vehicle meets with a breakdown or traffic accident on the expressway, and is unable to run normally, it shall be pulled or drawn by a rescue vehicle or a wrecker. 机动车在高速公路上发生故障或者交通事故,无法正常行驶的,应当由救援车、清障车拖曳、牵引。
- A military aircraft crashed down yesterday on the mountains near the city. 昨天一架军用飞机在城市附近的山上坠毁了。
- The aircraft crashed and burst into flames,ie suddenly began to burn. 飞机坠毁起火。
- The aircraft crashed and burst into flames(= suddenly began to burn). 飞机坠毁后猛烈燃烧起来。
- The aircraft crashed and burst into flames, ie suddenly began to burn. 飞机坠毁起火.
- Rescue workers rushed to the site of the plane crash. 抢救人员冲向飞机坠毁的现场。
- Deep submergence rescue vehicle (DSRV) is one of the main methods of rescuing and ensuring of submarines. Underwater interfacing is the key technique in DSRV rescuing performance. 深潜救生艇(DSRV)是潜艇救援的主要救生和保障手段之一,其中水下对接技术是深潜救生艇实施救援的关键技术。
- In April, a Congolese aircraft crashed near Goma killing nearly 50 people and injuring more than 100. 今年4月,一架刚果飞机在戈马附近坠毁,导致近50人死亡,100多人受伤。
- Deep submergence rescue vehicle (DSRV) is one of the main methods of rescuing and ensuring of submarines.Underwater interfacing is the key technique in DSRV rescuing performance. 深潜救生艇(DSRV)是潜艇救援的主要救生和保障手段之一,其中水下对接技术是深潜救生艇实施救援的关键技术。
- The newspaper got a scoop on the airplane crash. 该报独家报导了那次飞机失事。
- The smal aircraft crashed on Monday on top of a house kiling at least four people in the coastal locality of Catia La Mar. 当日,一架小型飞机在卡蒂亚拉马尔镇与一所3层民居相撞,并引发大火,造成至少4人死亡,另有4人受伤。
- Time is life, the order is dangerous, Jie Jing, Xintai rescue team quickly dispatched rescue vehicles rushed to the scene of the accident. 时间就是生命,险情就是命令,接警后,新泰大队迅速出动抢险救援车辆赶赴事故现场。