- air space heater 空间加热器
- THR is space heater in electric actuator (resistance). THR为电动装置内的空间加热器(发热电阻)。
- They were ordered to intensify their patrols to protect our air space. 他们奉命加强巡逻,保卫我国的领空。
- Any invasion of sovereign territory, air space and maritime zones. 这个议案禁止对主权国家领土、领空、领海的任何形式的侵略。
- It was cooled by fans in the hot Gulf Coast summers, and warmed in the winter by a Dearborn butane space heater located in the kitchen. 这里地处墨西哥海湾沿岸,炎热的夏天只能风扇降温。冬天,则靠厨房里的一台迪尔伯恩牌丁烷散热器取暖。
- The enemy plane is shot down the moment that it intruded into our air space. 这架敌机一进入我国领空就被击落。
- The Americans and Russians have launched many rockets into air space. 美国人和俄罗斯人已把许多火箭发射到太空。
- The air space overhead is now a restricted zone, patrolled by police choppers. 但剧院上空已经禁飞了,并有警方的断路器进行了监视。
- In this agreement, Chiang Kai-shek completely sold out China's sovereignty over her air space. 蒋介石在这个协定里拍卖了中国的全部领空权。
- Cavity Wall A wall built of solid masonry units arranged to provide air space within the wall. 用实心砌体砌成的墙,墙内放入空气。
- A saleable commodity, the right to occupy or use the air space above a specific property. 一种可出售的商品,即占领或使用某物业上空的权利。
- Product inventor Doug Wiesner says the Turnout technology allows for smaller, lighter packaging with less air space. 产品发明道维斯纳说,投票技术可更小,更轻的包装较少的空气空间。
- a space heater that transfers heat to the surrounding air by convection. 通过对流向周围空气传播热量的空气加热器。
- One of the British Airways jets becomes the newest addition to the Intrepid Sea Air Space Museum in New York. 一架英航的协和喷气客机变身成为纽约无畏号海空博物馆的最新展品。
- Scope of application: used in currency ,ornaments, medical, eleclron,air space industry, gild alloy materoals. 适用范围:货币、装饰品、医疗、电子、航空工业、镀金、合金材料等。
- The distance between reflection 2 and 3 represents the air space, as indicated on the AIR SPACE THICKNESS scale. 反射2和3之间的距离就是间隔距离,与刻度尺上显示的间隔距离是一样的。
- a space heater that transfers heat to the surrounding air by convection 通过对流向周围空气传播热量的空气加热器
- When fibers swell, they fill the air spaces and thus reduce ventilation. 一般纤维膨胀后,占据了空隙,因而减少了通气能力。
- The intensity of the magnetic can be strengthened through adjusting the air space and excitation coil parameter. 磁场的强度可以通过调整气隙或者励磁线圈的参数而得到最佳。
- The most obvious precautions taken to prevent accidents caused by space heaters, are simply to ensure there is adequate space between the heater and any potential source of combustion. 要防止由室内取暖器造成的事故,最显而易见的预防措施就是在取暖器与可能的燃烧源之间保持足够的空隙。