- Results indicated that activated carbon modified by NaHSO3 and Na2CO3 can adsorb formaldehyde over 60%, which can meet indoor air quality standard. 结果表明,亚硫酸氢钠和碳酸钠改性的活性炭对甲醛的去除率为60%25,动态治理后能够达到国家室内空气质量标准。
- The domestic and international development present condition of the indoor environment quality was introduced,and indoors air quality standard and homologous examination methods were described. 对居室内环境质量的国内外发展现状进行介绍,对室内空气质量标准及相应的检测方法进行阐述。
- The reference for formulating Chinese environmental quality standards is provided by analyzing the formulating procedure and process on ambient air quality standard in EC. 通过分析欧盟环境空气质量标准的制订过程,为我国环境质量标准的制订提供参考与借鉴。
- We present the National Primary and Second Ambient Air Quality Standards as upper bound guideline. 我们把国家一级和二级环境大气质量标准作为上限控制线。
- Hong Kong's objectives for air quality are comparable with the air quality standards adopted in developed countries. 香港的空气质素指标,与其他发展国家订定的标准相若。
- That provides for the implementation, maintenance, and enforcement of the national air quality standards. 它为贯彻、维护、并执行国家的空气质量标准作准备。
- Over seventy cities missed the December 31, 1987 deadline for attainment of the ozone and carbon monoxide air quality standards. 70多个城市都超过了1987年12月31日这个最后期限,臭氧和一氧化碳空气质量控制都没有达到标准。
- It should be remembered that the fundamental purpose of the offset policy is to allow industrial growth despite stringent air quality standards. 应该记得,补偿政策的基本目的是允许工业增长,尽管实施着严厉的空气质量标准。
- national primary-ambient air quality standard 国家一级环境空气质量标准
- For each of these criteria pol-lutants, the administrator must set two standards: primary and secondary ambient air quality standards. 针对这些污染物,决策者必须制定两个标准:初级空气质量标准、。
- County through the ISO14001 environmental management system certification, the air quality standards in more than two days over 330 days. 全县通过ISO14001环境管理体系认证,空气质量好于二级以上标准的天数超过330天。
- Due to increasing awareness of the adverse consequences of air pollution, numerous countries of the temperate latitudes have promulgated air quality standards. 由于对大气污染的恶化情况日益关注,地处温带的许多国家颁布了空气质量标准。
- For four days, Beijing’s gray, stifling skies failed to meet China’s national air quality standards, which are more lenient than those in the United States. 四天中,北京的灰色而沉闷的天空没能满足中国国家空气质量标准,而这种标准在美国来说就显太过宽容。
- Section 109 of the Clean Air Act directed the EPA Administrator to establish national ambient air quality standards (NAAQSs) for air polluants which endanger public health or welfare. 《洁净空气法案》的第109条责令联邦环境保护局局长针对威胁公共健康和公共福利的空气污染制定一个《全国环境空气质量标准》。
- The air quality in cities has basically remained stable. TSP pollution prevails widely. Cities that meet the urban air quality standards of level II, III and above III make up one-third each respectively. 城市空气质量基本稳定,颗粒物污染范围较广,城市空气质量满足国家二级标准、三级标准和超过三级标准的城市比例各占1/3;
- Many people still regard the regulation of these pollutants through the establishment of ambient air quality standards to be the heart of air pollution control in the United States. 对这些污染物的管制,从周边地区空气质量标准的确立到成为美国空气污染管制的中心,许多人都在关注着。
- There has been an increasing need for lubricity additives, because diesel fuel lubricity levels have been declining, due to the need to desulfurize diesel fuel to meet tighter air quality standards. 润滑添加剂的需求始终有增无减,因为柴油需要经过脱硫处理才能符合更加严格的空气质量标准,而脱硫处理正是柴油润滑性能下降的原因。”
- Completion of renovation works, the premises shall be consistent with relevant national air quality standards, decoration can entrust eligible for air-quality testing unit for testing. 装修工程竣工后,居室内的空气质量应符合国家有关标准,装修人可以委托有资格的检测单位对空气质量进行检测。
- The concepts of API and air quality levels have been widely accepted by many countries and regions, but there are some differences because of different national air quality standards. 空气污染指数和级别概念已被很多国家或地区采用,但在具体级别限值和等级划分上因各国国家环境标准差异而有所不同。
- Comparison of Ambient Air Quality Standard Between China and America 中美两国环境空气质量标准比较