- Part 3 What is the Toyota Production System? 第三部分什么是丰田生产系统?
- What is the Toyota Production System? 什么是丰田生产系统?
- In this dissertation, product system planning and mass integration of an EIP are researched. 本文的研究内容是生态工业园区规划研究的一个方面,主要包括产品体系规划与物质集成。
- PLC is only a link in the control system, and the workers care the effects of the whole product system. 摘要PLC只是一个控制系统中的一个环节,人们所关心的是整个生产“系统”的效果。
- Finally, the product system planning is obtained according to the present resource and technology in the EIP. 最后根据园区企业现有的资源和技术水平给出产品体系规划。
- AF production system under management of Supermarket supplier. 超市供应商管理下的农产品生产体系;
- Productivity system is a dynamic "tetrahedron" in an abstract term. 生产力系统抽象地看是一个处于动态的“四面体”;
- It integrates pollution prevention and resource conservation strategies into the development of more ecologically and economically sustainable product system. 它是将综合预防污染和节约资源的战略用于产品的设计中,以开发更生态的、经济的、可持续发展的产品体系。
- Optimizing of Mining Production System in Shanghai Meishan Mining Co. 上海梅山矿业公司采矿生产系统优化。
- The expert diagnostic subsystem core of DIAG is a production system. 为现代航空发动机润滑系统 故障诊断开创了一条新的途径。
- Implementing the TPM effectively. Totally support lean production system. 有效开展TPM活动,并配合进行精益生产。
- The stability tension of laminating production system is one of the crucial techniques ensuring the product quality. 烟泊复合生产过程中的张力恒定是保证产品质量的关键技术。
- Fast, nimble, mature, specialized production system effective safeguard product payment timeliness. 快速、灵活、成熟、专业的生产体系有效的保障了产品交付的及时性。
- In later years, GW finished the complicated design of polyphyletic product system with solid production foundation and powerful technical strength. 作为专业通信设备供应商,格林威尔全力研制新一代传输产品和数据通信产品,以满足不同用户层面的需求。GW品牌得到了业界的充分肯定。
- A. Are raw materials traceable throughout your production systems? 在贵司的整个生产体系中原材料都有可追溯性吗?
- The new product became a goldmine for the company. 该项新产品成了该公司的聚宝盆。
- The JIT production system was developed by the Toyota Motor Company about 50 years ago. 准时制生产是大约50年前由丰田汽车公司开发出来。
- I can't say I'm at all pleased by your product. 我不能说对你们的产品满意。
- I think you may be interested in our new product. 我想贵公司可能会对敝公司的新产品感兴趣。
- A product of a document copying process. 文件复制过程的一种产品。