- agriculture - used land system 农地制度
- How do we beneficially employ the right to use land? 土地使用权入股合算吗?
- The right to use land in accordance with the law transfer. 土地的使用权可以依照法律的规定转让。”
- The sultan Omar in Singkawang, also heard about Chinese diligence and use the lease land system to encourage Chinese to explore in his territory. 这是客家人迁徙南洋后的一项重大事业,其功不可没。
- Does China's agricultural land system have "social security" function? 我国农地制度具有"社会保障"功能吗?
- Fundamental land system reforms require sustainable efforts over time. 基本土地制度的改革需要长期不懈的努力。
- The 1800 Land Act is one the most important land acts in American land system. 1800年《土地法令》为美国土地制度史上最重要的一项法令。
- All organizations and individuals who use land must make rational use of the land. 一切使用土地的组织和个人必须合理地利用土地。
- Tax official: You mean that your company tra fer the right to use land in exchange for the ownership of the housing. 税务局:这意味着你们是以转让无形资产换取房屋所有权。
- Precision automatic landing system to start sea trials. 精确自动着陆系统将开始海上试验。
- Emmanuel and Rahall have introduced legislation to force oil companies to use land already under lease. 伊曼纽尔和雷哈尔已经提出议案,要强迫石油公司必须利用他们已租借的土地来进行开采。
- All organizations and individuals using land must ensure its rational use. 一切使用土地的组织和个人必须合理地利用土地。
- These defects result from the inconsistency in the system, not from the land system itself. 农用土地制度缺陷的根本原因在于制度系统内部不协调,而不在于农地制度本身。
- To be full of use land as possible , two or more types of crops can be planted in the planting areas. 为了尽可能充分利用土地;两种或更多种类的庄稼在可以种植的地方播种.
- Practices the strictest frugal land system, controls the city and countryside construction land overall scale severely. 实行最严格的节约用地制度,从严控制城乡建设用地总规模。
- Taxpayer: my company provides the right to use land,my partner invests the money needed. At the end of project,my company will get a part of building. 纳税人:初步打算由我方出土地使用权,对方出资金,建成后对方给我们一部分房产。
- Nitrates are used as fertilizers in agriculture. 硝酸盐在农业上用作肥料。
- It is known that the nation had some areas to carry on the fumble to the land system reform. 据了解,全国已有部分地区对土地制度改革进行摸索。
- In the same way, the different period of prolificacy development also calls for suitable land system. 同样,生产力发展的不同阶段也要求社会建立与其相适应的土地制度。
- Taxpayer:my company provides the right to use land, my partner invests the money needed.At the end of project, my company will get a part of building. 纳税人:初步打算由我方出土地使用权,对方出资金,建成后对方给我们一部分房产。