- The sky was aglow with the setting sun. 天空因夕阳映照而发红光。
- The garden is aglow with many flowers. 园中百花盛开。
- The sky is aglow with sunset colors. 天空是红通通的夕阳颜色。
- The sky was aglow with the setting sun . 夕阳映红了天空。
- The sky was aglow with sunset colours. 夕阳的光辉染红了天空。
- The sky is aglow with the rising sun. 太阳一出满天红。
- For a few moments, the two women chatted, both aglow with happiness... 两个妇女聊了一会儿,两人都由于十分高兴而容光焕发。
- Yellowstone and the regions surrounding the park are also green and aglow with wild flowers. 黄石公园及公园四周的地区,也是绿油油的,映照着红红的野花。
- Moments later Mother came through the door with a tray of cupcakes aglow with candles. 过了一会儿,妈妈从门口进来,手里端着一盘波纹纸托蛋糕,在蜡烛的照耀下发光。
- Embraced by divine love, your life will be tinged with mystery but aglow with glory. 神的爱围绕你;你的生命虽会发生许多测不透的事;但却是光彩灿烂的.
- Christmas trees aglow with coloured lights 张灯结彩的圣诞树。
- Here stood a figure to awe, arms stretched upward, body trembling with rage, eyes seemingly aglow with strength. 令人畏惧的景象,他手臂向前张开,因狂怒而颤抖,眼睛似乎因力量而通红。
- For a few moments,the two women chatted,both aglow with happiness,and then the young woman turned and ran back to her family. 两个女人聊了一会儿,都兴高采烈。随后,那个年轻女人转身跑回到家人的身边。
- They were the personal representatives of a state most blessed to attain--the titled ambassadors of comfort and peace, aglow with their credentials. 他们对她的生活的影响,单就她的欲望性质而言,是显而易见的。 一度她曾认为他们两个都代表着人世最大的成功。
- Aglow with glittering decorations, Hong Kong Disneyland resort turns into a magical holiday wonderland from1 to31 December. 由十二月一日至三十一日,迷人闪耀的圣诞装饰将在香港迪士尼乐园发放光芒,处处洋溢节日欢欣热闹的气氛。
- For a few moments, the two women chatted, both aglow with happiness, and then the young woman turned and ran back to family. 两个妇人聊了一会儿。两人都由于十分高兴而容光焕发。然后,年轻妇女转过身,跑回到她家人这边来。
- Aglow with glittering decorations, Hong Kong Disneyland resort turns into a magical holiday wonderland from 1 to 31 December. 由十二月一日至三十一日,迷人闪耀的圣诞装饰将在香港迪士尼乐园发放光芒,处处洋溢节日欢欣热闹的气氛。
- I am a hundred percent in agreement with you. 我百分之百同意你的看法。
- For a few moments, the two women chatted, both aglow with happiness, and then the young woman turned and ran back to her family. 两个女人聊了一会儿,都兴高采烈。 随后,那个年轻女人转身跑回到家人的身边。
- Don't let your temper run away with you. 要控制住自己,不要发脾气。