- Virtual organization is the highest form of Agile Manufacture Enterprise (AME). 动态联盟公司是敏捷制造企业的最高形式。
- The alterable evaluation mo del and methods are set up.The rapid evaluation for the agile manufactur ing enterprise supplier can be implemented based on the distributed environment. 建立了敏捷制造模式下供货商质量的动态评价模型,并按此模型组织了供货商质量动态评价指标和动态的评价方法,从而使评价系统具有高效地响应需求变化的能力。
- The idea of Agile Manufacturing is introduced in CAPP modeling in this paper. 摘要将敏捷制造的理念引入CAPP系统的建模之中。
- In intelligentized agile manufacturing,knowledge base architecture directly influences manufacture intelligentized level. 在智能化敏捷制造中,知识库的体系结构直接影响着制造智能化的水平。
- The distributed team is the general form of personnel organization in the circumstance of agile manufacturing. 敏捷制造环境下,人员组织的一般形式是分布式团队。
- Agile manufacturing cell is a complicated syst em with multi-objective, multi-restriction and variable disturbance. 敏捷制造单元是一个涉及多目标、多约束和多扰动的复杂系统,它的最优作业调度求解有很大难度。
- As a realization means of agile manufacturing, dynamic ally is deemed to one of the most effective patterns of enterprise running in the 21st century. 动态联盟作为敏捷制造的一种实现形式被认为是21世纪最有竞争力的企业运行模式。
- Based on systematic analysis of the infrastructure supporting agile manufacturing enterprises, the author establishes an architecture of AMIS. 在系统分析目前支持敏捷制造企业的信息基础结构的基础上,建立了AMIS的体系结构。
- The virtual enterprise is an important way to realize agile manufacturing, a new cooperating pattern emerges in the knowledge-economy times. 虚拟企业是实现企业灵捷制造的主要方式,也是在知识经济时代诞生的新型的合作模式。
- This paper just outspreads its research on the function, characteristic and key techniques of assembly under the background of Agile Manufacturing. 本文正是以敏捷制造为背景,围绕装配CAPP的功能、特点以及实现技术展开工作的。
- The theory and methods of object-oriented (OO) product information and access control modeling in AMS (agile manufacturing system ) are researched. 研究了敏捷制造系统中产品信息建模和访问控制建模的理论和方法,提出了面向对象的分解准则。
- As the bridge connecting design and manufacturing, computer-aided process planning (CAPP) is a key component in agile manufacturing information system (AMIS). 作为连接设计与生产的“纽带”,计算机辅助工艺设计系统(CAPP)在敏捷制造信息系统中起着承上启下的关键作用。
- Because of its feature of order-oriented production planning, the agile manufacturing mode of modern manufactures could adapt the current changeful market. 现代制造企业的敏捷化制造模式,以其面向订单组织生产的特征,能够适应当前快速多变的市场需求。
- The manufacturing resource model of process for CAPP is established based on the requirement of agile manufacturing and the character of machining process planning. 根据敏捷制造和机械加工工艺设计特征的要求,建立面向计算机辅助工艺计划的工艺制造资源模型。
- Towill, D.R., McCullen, P., “The impact of an agile manufacturing programme on supply chain dynamics,” International Journal of Logistics Management, Vol 10(1), 1999. 工业技术研究院化学工业研究所,人纤产业现况与趋势,产业技术资讯服务计划,1999。
- Based on Agile Manufacturing System, the paper researches architecture of product data integrated management platform(PDIP) and realizing methods of key questions in PDIP. 因此,基于敏捷制造系统,文章提出了一种产品数据集成管理平台的体系结构及其详细功能设计。
- One need an agile mind to solve puzzles. 解谜必须有机灵的头脑。
- The dynamic and unstable manufacturing environment makes the adaptability of manufacturing system more and more important, the traditional GT based and static organization of manufacturing cell can not meet the future agile manufacturing needs. 动态多变的制造环境对制造系统的自适应性提出了越来越高的要求 ,传统的基于成组技术的静态制造单元组织方式不能适应未来敏捷制造的需要。
- To support the new paradigm, an agile manufacturing information system (AMIS) assisting the virtual enterprise to manage and control information flow among collaborating partners is described. 在分析了多联盟环境下企业对信息系统需求的基础上 ,提出了支持动态联盟的多代理企业信息模型。
- The bikes are of home manufacture. 这些自行车是本国制造的。