- Town turns power of surplus labor of lag, farming and stockbreeding areas much, it is one of the biggest structural sex questions in progress of society of Qinghai province economy. 城镇化滞后、农牧区剩余劳动力多,是青海省经济社会发展中最大的结构性问题之一。
- These criminals are the dregs of society. 这些罪犯都是社会的渣滓。
- The family is the basic unit of society. 家庭是社会的基本单位。
- This hotel serves the top of society. 这个旅馆为社会的上层人物提供服务。
- She was the queen of society then. 那时她是社交界之后。
- This cuts the labor of evaluating integrals almost in half. 这几乎省去求解积分的一半劳动。
- Murderers and drug dealers are the dregs of society. 杀人犯和毒品贩子都是社会的渣滓。
- The new law penalizes the poorest members of society. 新法规对社会中最贫困者不利。
- A rhythmic tightening in labor of the upper uterine musculature. 一种子宫肌肉活动有节奏的紧缩。
- The book is very personal, a 466=page labor of love by the author. 这本书非常的个人,这个作者为此心甘情愿地完成了466页的写作任务。
- Law and morality are the bulwark of society. 法律和道德是社会的防御工具。
- Inflation was the greatest scourge of society. 通货膨胀是社会上的最大祸害。
- His palms were excoriated by the hard labor of shoveling. 他的手掌因干挖土的活儿而磨破了皮。
- Therefore, both are linchpin of society. 所以说理想和抱负是社会的一个重要部分。
- Finally, he is perched on top of society. 最终他跻身于社会上层。
- We draw our readers from all classes of society. 我们吸引了来自社会各阶层的读者。
- These rules spring from the needs of society. 这些规则源于社会的需要。
- For the specialty food makers, chocolate is a labor of love. 对于专业的食品制造者来说,和巧克力打交道完全是源于对这种食品的热爱,工作本身就是爱的事业。
- These people fattened on the labors of the others. 这些人是靠别人的劳动而发家的。
- He was probably a worthy member of society. 他可能是一个令人起敬的社会成员。