- The Reform and Adaptation of Land Property Right System in Rural Areas of China after the Foundation of P.R.C. 建国后中国农村土地产权制度的改革与变通。
- After the foundation of the people"s republic of China, administrative precedent is negated. 我国建国后否定了行政判例的地位。
- After the foundation of the state,the Communist Party of China fol-lowed and centralized leading system during quitea long period. 建国后,中国共产党在相当长的时期内,沿袭继承了一元化领导体制,后因左倾思想的影响,这一体制得到了强化,文革中,则是极度集权的领导体制;
- After the foundation of Republic of China, the government adopted the policy on it, but the chieftain system was not completely abolished eventually. 中华民国成立后,民国政府对南甸宣抚司采取了渐进的改土归流,最终也没能彻底革除土司制度。
- immediately after the foundation of People's Republic of China 建国初期
- On the People's Law Court in the Land Reform Movement of the New Area Immediately after the Foundation of the People's Republic of China 建国初期新区土地改革中的人民法庭
- Ideological Tendency And Artistic Style: Investigating the Evolution of the Seventeen-year Literature after the Foundation of China From a Particular Visual Angle 思想倾向与艺术风格:从一种视角对十七年文学演变的考察
- Leaning-to-one-side: Chinese CE in the Seventeen Years after the Foundation of P.R.C. 建国后十七年中国比较教育状况分析。
- After the founding of the People's Republic of China entered upon a new historical stage. 人民共和国成立后,中国就进入了一个新的历史时期。
- Sesame-flavor is one of liquor flavor types and an important innovative liquor flavor type after the foundation of PRC. 摘要芝麻香型白酒是目前确认的十二大香型白酒之一,属建国后的重要创新香型。
- Before the foundation of The Buddhism Guanyin Temple, each rain season there would be a flood, after the flood passed, there was nothing left. 观音寺建寺前,每到雨季,沟里就发大水,大水过后,河沟两沿扫荡一空。
- Just after the foundation of the Qing Dynasty, the Three Southern Kings headed by Wu Sangui, conqueror of the West, rebelled the court. 清王朝建国初期 ,以云南平西王吴三桂为首的“南疆三藩”起兵叛清 ,形成清代历史上震惊全国的重大事件。
- The International Affiliated Business is to take place undoubtedly after the foundation of International Affiliated Enterprise. 国际关联企业的形成必然导致国际关联交易的发生。
- After the foundation of the German Reich in 1871, the city progressed quickly to become Germany's largest industrial and cultural centre. 1871年德意志帝国建立后,该城市迅速发展,成为德国最大的工业和文化中心。
- The foundations sank (two feet) after the flood. 洪水退後地基下陷了(两英尺).
- The parados after the basin that wash a face is in hide on the foundation of conduit, appropriate height also is the good place that receives goods. 洗面盆后的背墙在暗藏管道的基础上,恰当的高度也是收纳物品的好地方。
- After the Foundation of the People's Republic, the logic of revolution and production has conflicted bitterly on treating capitalism. 其深层原因就在于,建国以后,在对待资本主义的问题上,“革命”的逻辑与“生产”的逻辑发生了严重的冲突。
- After the foundation of the state, black figure painting of water was gone in for a big way once again , its development speed , scale , and level reached were all unprecedented. 建国后,水墨人物画再度大兴,其发展速度、规模以及所达到的水平都是空前的。
- I only know that Turk like fight with white blade specially,even if after the foundation of new army they're still like that before,so Turkey cold weapon is very famous. 我只知道土耳其-突厥人特别喜欢白刃作战,即便是创立了新军使用火枪依然如故,所以土耳其的冷兵器相当有名。
- After the dynamic consolidation the foundation of the one-storied workshop, Xianfan Automobile Factory, has attained the design demand in bearing capacity. 对东风汽车公司襄樊轻型车厂总装协作配件库的单层厂房地基,采用强夯加固使承载力达到设计要求。