- He picked up a piece of seal meat. 他又捡起一块海豹肉。
- Certain formalities need to be observed regarding the affixing of this seal. 使用法人的印章需要一定的形式。
- affixing of seal [法] 盖印
- Suitable for various kinds of sealing machines. 适用于各种封口机。
- A colony of seals lay basking in the sun. 一群海豹躺着晒太阳。
- Capable of sealing itself as after being pierced. 被穿透后能够重新自我密封。
- The fund is campaigning for a ban on the import of seal products. 这个基金会正在呼吁政府禁止海豹产品的进口。
- EPM also manufactures many other types of seals. EPM公司也生产其它类型的各种各样的密封。
- This affix of stative adjective derives from perfective aspect marker "着". 这种状态形容词后缀来源于表实现的动态助词“着”。
- Every year the groups of seals that live off our coasts are culled out because they eat too much fish. 每年居住在我们海岸边的海豹都被人挑选一部分杀死,因为它们吃掉的鱼太多。
- The ivory gull often follows polar bears to feed on the remains of seal kills. 象牙海鸥经常跟在北极熊的后面吃剩下的海豹尸体。
- The affixing of other markings on the product, which are likely to mislead or confuse the consumers or the third parties, shall be prohibited. 商品之其他标示不得与验证登录商品检验标识混淆,或使消费者不易辨别商品检验标识。
- Special extra width, monel seat ring allows for wear without loss of seal. 特别超宽蒙乃尔密封环,经得起磨损而不会丧失密封性能。
- The affixing of the CE marking presumes in addition that the conditions in annexes III and V of the Directive are fulfilled. 在行政长官的标志张贴假定除在附件三的条件和指令得到实现五。
- A large choice of seals meet nearly all application requirements. 密封件有许多选择,可满足几乎任何应用要求。
- Like them, it roams the frozen ocean in search of seals. 它在冰冻的海洋上漫步着寻找海豹。
- They made clothes and shoes from furs and from skins of seals. 他们用毛皮和海豹皮做成衣服和鞋子。
- This chapter introduces the affix of Dachong Tuhua, and discusses the usage of the Dynamic Auxilidary Verb, Preposition, Pronoun, Quantifier, and Negation of Dachong Tuhua. 语法部分介绍了大冲土话的词缀,讨论了大冲土话动态助词、介词、代词、数量词和否定词的用法。
- The deal needs the government's seal of approval. 这一交易需经政府批准。
- Following the gradual prospering of seal script and clerical script, calligraphic wind of stele school matured as well. 而随着篆隶书体的逐步繁荣,碑派书风亦走向成熟。