- How did these factors affect development of college curricula? 这些因素是怎样影响着学院的课程设置的呢?
- Cardiovascular enginery level can affect development condition of one's body, level of people's health and man's physique state strong or not. 心血管机能水平能反映出一个人的身体生长发育状况、康水平和体质强弱。
- Understanding that there are unique cultural differences in each school and how these affect development efforts. 了解;在各学校有独特的文化差异并且这些怎样影响开发努力.
- Children who are offered little affection develop slowly. 很少得到爱的儿童成长缓慢。
- They can be imbursmented in human body, affect developing and metabolism. 这类维生素可在体内贮存,缺乏或过量都会影响机体生长和代谢功能。
- A half people of world who are two hundred million farmers depend on rice as basic food, so rice economy will directly affect development of global economy and stability of society. 因而水稻生产状况的好坏,将直接影响到全球经济的发展和整个社会的安定。
- At the local level there are two doctrines which have adversily affected development of a habit of interlocal cooperation. 在地方这一层次上,有两个学说很不利于地方间合作习惯的发展。
- Name collisions with types in infrastructure namespaces are unlikely to affect developers using your library. 与基础结构命名空间中的类型的名称冲突不可能影响使用您的库的开发人员。
- Technology is the base of architecture;it affects development of architectural culture stilly. 技术是建筑的基础,它悄然影响着建筑文化的发展。
- At the local level there are two doctrines which have adversely affected development of a habit of interlocal cooperation. 在地方这一层次上,有两个学说很不利于地方间合作习惯的发展。
- It not only affects development of pelvis and the toes had deformed and arthrosis of the big toe stick our, or form mucocele. 人体的重心过度前移,不仅会影响骨盆的发育,而且脚趾被紧紧的挤进鞋尖的狭窄部分,日子久了,脚趾就会变形,大脚趾的关节突出,或形成粘液囊炎肿。
- In general, namespaces from different application models are not used in the same application, so name collisions are less likely to affect developers using your library. 通常,在同一应用程序中不会使用不同应用程序模型中的命名空间,因此,这降低了名称冲突影响使用您的库的开发人员的可能性。
- Nce which runs until Friday in Cuba's capital Havana, Steiner said the effects of global warming not only affect developed nations, but have a global impact. 国际环境与发展会议本周三至周五在古巴首都哈瓦那进行,施泰纳说全球变暖不仅影响发达国家,而是一个全球性问题。
- As to item number 5, the Delegation did not believe that WIPO activities alone affected development, as many other activities of other organizations had an impact on development. 关于第5项,日本代表团相信,不光是WIPO的活动会影响发展,其他组织的许多活动对发展也有影响。
- The new proposals affect both clergy and laity. 新的建议与神职人员和俗人都有关系。
- Mhigh water?Mcut period.Among various factors of affecting development result of the horizontal well, the influence of intrastratal interbed is more important. 在影响水平井开发效果的多种因素中 ,层内夹层的影响是比较重要的方面。
- Integrated system to consider the various factors affecting development of the corresponding signal detection and vehicle speed automatic adjustment system. 综合考虑系统中各种影响因素,研制了相应的信号检测和小车速度自动调节系统。
- Affect develops in the same sense cognition develops and affective schemata are constructed and reconstructed to establish equilibrium through affective assimilation and accommodation. 与认知发展同样的道理,情感发展的过程也是情感图式在不断的同化和顺应中达到平衡的过程。
- These policies will affect non-whites especially. 这些政策对非白种人的影响特别大。
- He tracked out the course and development of it. 他根据遗迹探索出该事物的进程和发展。