- To affect people deeply 沁人心脾
- His deed moved many people deeply. 他的行为深深地感动了许多人。
- Acne can affect people of all ages and races. 痤疮能影响所有年龄的人与赛事。
- People deeply mourned over Premier Zhou's death. 人们痛悼周总理的逝世。
- This taxation will affect people on low incomes. 这项税收政策将会影响低收入人士。
- How will taxs affect people with low income? 税收将会如何影响低收入的人群?
- How will taxes affect people with low incomes? 税收将会如何影响低收入的人群?
- Herb and Plant People deeply resonate with the plant kingdoms. 药草植物人对植物王国感到深深的共鸣。
- Your departing lets us trillion people deeply grieved! 你们的离去,让亿万人民悲痛欲绝!
- It is obvious that such uncomfortable feelings must affect people adversely. 显而易见,这种不舒适的感觉必然给人们带来了不利的影响。
- Their love lasting half of their lifetime, which touches people deeply. 他们的半世情缘感人至深。
- A spice of danger affects people in different ways. 危险的处境对人的影响各不相同。
- It’s obvious that such uncomfortable feelings must affect people adversely2 . 很显然,这种不自在的感觉会对人们产生不利的影响。
- Depre ion affects people differently. 抑郁对人们的影响是不同的。
- You may like to eat durian but never realize the smell of durian can affect people around you. 你可能爱吃榴莲,但从未想到过榴莲的气味会影响到你周围的人。
- So Confucius thought of etiquette has beem influencing Chinese people deeply and commprehensively. 孔子礼法思想深刻而普遍地影响着中国人。
- Chinese people deeply feel for them in their unfortunate adversities and will continue any help to them within reach. 中国人民对他们的不幸遭遇深表同情,将继续向他们提供力所能及的帮助。
- This by one swarm " bumpkin " entrepreneur is made piece " Chinese shoe " romaunt, attracting people deeply. 这个由一大群“泥腿子”企业家打造出“中国鞋都”的传奇故事,深深地吸引着人们。
- The accused does not put forward to rejoin of shape, do not affect people court to try. 被告不提出答辩状的,不影响人民法院审理。
- People deeply like this American youth for his personailty and teaching. he was elected as schoolmaster finally. 这个美国青年因为做人与教学深得人的喜欢,后来居然当上了校长。