- aerial photographic navigation 航摄领航
- He showed me some aerial photographs. 他给我看了一些空中拍摄的照片。
- An aerial photograph of the field shows clearly where the buildings were. 这一场地的空中照片清晰地显示出这些建筑物的位置。
- As in reconnaissance work, aerial photographic volume estimates can be satisfactory. 作为森林资源概查工作来说,航空象片的蓄积量估计值能满足要求。
- Aim\ To realize automatic height measurement and focusing of aerial photographic camera. 目的实现航空像机摄影高度自动测量和调焦。
- A map made by superimposing orienting data and markings on an aerial photograph. 照相地图根据航空照片上附加的导向数据和标记而绘制成的地图
- This article presents a discussion on the feasibility of using dye- gelatine type anti- halation layer technique in aerial photographic film. 本文主要论述了凝胶型防光晕层在军事航空摄影胶片中应用的可行性,通过实验解决了一系列关键技术,通过生产实践进行验证。
- Aerial photographs are available for sale to the public. 航空照片可供市民选购。
- This paper presents a method for automatic setting the processing technology of aerial photographic film through programming sensitometric tests data by computer. 本文介绍一种在感光测定基础上,确定航摄胶片最佳冲冼工艺的方法。此方法可由计算机编程实现。
- Improved linear unmixing technique was applied to the center urban area of Shanghai and tested by high-resolution aerial photograph. 以上海市中心区域为例,进行了改进研究,并采用高分辨率航空遥感影像进行了检验。
- Due to the uneven image of the aerial photograph, the deformation of geomorphologic map brings difficulties to the image judgement. 摘要由于航片的中心投影及摄影过程中像片的不水平,使图像中地物和地貌发生了变形,从而增加了图像判读的困难。
- A pattern of regularly spaced horizontal and vertical lines forming squares on a map,a chart,an aerial photograph,or an optical device,used as a reference for locating points. 网格,坐标方格在地图、设计图、航空图片或光学仪器上由规则放置的平行和垂直的结构成的,用来作为标明各点位置的参照的图案。
- A pattern of regularly spaced horizontal and vertical lines forming squares on a map, a chart, an aerial photograph, or an optical device, used as a reference for locating points. 网格,坐标方格在地图、设计图、航空图片或光学仪器上由规则放置的平行和垂直的结构成的,用来作为标明各点位置的参照的图案
- Interpretation of features seen in aerial photographs is also helpful. 航片中可见形迹的解释对比也是有益。
- In the paper the principle of the directional fil-tering and the way of realization are introduced. And the application example in the automat-ic recognition of the road network of the aerial photograph is given. 文中介绍了方向滤波的原理,以及实现的方法,最后给出了在航测照片的道路网自动识别中的应用实例。
- The feature of an image of rock layer and geological structure is studied in Jiangshan city area, Zhe jiang province, by researching the aerial photograph of 1976 as main working image, the land satellite TM image of 1997 as reference. 以1976年的航空相片为主要工作图像及1997年的陆地卫星TM图像为参考图像,研究了浙江江山地区岩石地层、地质构造的影像特征。
- Aerial navigation by visual identification of landmarks. 地标领航用可视地标来进行飞机航行
- Navigation is difficult on this river because of the hidden rocks. 因为河上有暗礁,所以在这条河上航行很困难。
- The Photogrammetric and Air Survey Section takes aerial photographs on a regular basis and for various purposes. 测绘处的摄影及航空测量小组,定期为不同目的拍摄照片。
- Based on the previous analysis and, selecting black and white aerial photograph of the 1976 Tangshan earthquake as example, the method of automatic pattern recognition is tested and classification of damaged buildings is proposed. 最后以 1976年我国唐山地震的黑白航空影像为例 ,进行倒塌房屋的自动识别 ,得到了较为满意的结果。 结果表明 ,利用本文所提出的震害建筑自动识别方法 ,在提取震害房屋信息方面是有效的 ,其结果与目视结果大体一致。