- The birds perched on the television aerial. 鸟停在电视天线上。
- The picture is much clearer with the new aerial. 装上新天线后画面清晰多了。
- He showed me some aerial photographs. 他给我看了一些空中拍摄的照片。
- aerial changeover 天线转换
- Aerial navigation by visual identification of landmarks. 地标领航用可视地标来进行飞机航行
- He nearly drops the Baton at changeover. 他在交接棒时差点弄丢了接力棒。
- Some joker's been playing around with my car aerial! 哪个爱胡闹的人摆弄我汽车上的天线了!
- Photographic aerial reconnaissance especially of military targets. 空中照相侦察空中照相侦察,尤指军事目的的
- The gale blew down a TV aerial from the roof. 大风刮倒了屋顶上的电视天线。
- Aerial root A root that arises above soil level. 气生根:生长在地面以上空气中的根。
- Something is wrong with our TV broadcast aerial. 我们的电视广播天线有问题。
- The scion supplies only aerial parts to the GRAFT. 接穗仅作为嫁接植物的“天线”部分。
- He attached an aerial (antenna) to the radio. 他把收音机装上天线。
- The snags incidental to a changeover in upper management. 在改变上层管理时产生的隐患
- I don't know when the TV aerial was blown down. 我不知道电视天线是几时给吹倒的。
- The aerial doesn't look very secure to me. 我看这天线不太牢固。
- Our production line will be undergoing a changeover next month. 我们的生产线在下个月要进行更换。
- The banyan tree has aerial roots. 榕树有气根。
- Easy changeover kits supporting wide varieties of device types. 容易的完全改变成套工具,支持宽种类器件类型。
- He positioned the aerial for the best reception. 它把天线放在能接受广播的最佳位置上。