- He died in the last ditch in a fierce battle. 他在一次激战中奋战而死。
- The car ran off the road into a ditch. 汽车驶离道路跌进沟中。
- He stumbled and took a header into the ditch. 他跌了一跤而栽到沟去了。
- The boy hops the ditch and run down the path. 那男孩跳过沟,沿著小路奔去。
- Keep by this ditch and you'll get there in no time. 沿着这条沟走下去,一会儿就到了。
- That ditch drains water from the swamp. 那条沟于沼泽中的水排出。
- He drove into the ditch completely unaware. 他不知不觉地把车开进了沟里。
- aeration ditch 曝气渠
- The horse jumped over the ditch. 马跳过了那条沟。
- He leaped the horse across the ditch. 他纵马跳过沟渠。
- The cart overturned and precipitated us to the ditch. 车子翻了,我们被摔进了沟里。
- When the road became impassable, we had to ditch the car and walk. 道路无法通行时,我们只好弃车步行。
- He took a sporting chance in jumping across the ditch. 他冒险跳越此沟。
- The water stagnates in the ditch. 水在沟中停滞而变浊。
- Supplemental aeration is strongly recommended. 补充曝气是极力推荐。
- Keep good aeration at working area. 工作区域保持通风良好。
- Too many plants hinder aeration. 植物太多会妨碍空气流通。
- The horse hurdled both the fence and the ditch. 这马连篱笆和沟都跳过去了。
- The holes in Gruyere are due to aeration. 格律耶尔干酪气孔多是由于通风所致。
- Koerting ejectors for the aeration process. 科尔庭喷射泵曝气工艺用。