active support of an idea or cause etc.; especially the act of pleading or arguing for something
用作名词 (n.)
The police have already rejected applications by different pet advocacy groups to stage demonstrations. 警方已拒绝不同的宠物拥护团体举行游行的申请。
The study has also been cited as compelling evidence for screening by the patient advocacy group Lung Cancer Alliance. 此研究已经被肺癌联盟的拥护此筛查方案的病人群体作为一种强有力的证据所引用。
And the actions of the newly empowered advocacy groups like the ACEF can be quickly reversed. 像中华环保联合会这样新近得到支持的环保组织的行动有可能在短时期内走向倒退。
To them, my advocacy of higher Pigovian taxes is a sure sign that I am another one of those pantywaist Harvard liberals. 在他们看来,对提高庇古税的支持,就是一项明证,说明我是又一个没有男子汉气概的哈佛自由主义者。