- So the NNL-DTD is robust in adverse conditions. 因此NNL-DTD在各种条件下是鲁棒的。
- Ability to work under pressure / adverse conditions. 能在压力/逆境中开展工作。
- To stop or postpone(a game) because of bad weather,darkness,or other adverse conditions. 停止或延期比赛由于天气不好、天黑或其它不利条件而停止或推迟(一场比赛)
- These motile spores may encyst in adverse conditions or may be the means by which a fungus or parasitic protoctist penetrates a new host. 在不利环境中,游动孢子被包在囊内,当真菌或寄生的原核细胞穿透新寄主时游动孢子被释放出来。
- Habituation is wonderfully adaptive when we are faced with adverse conditions, such as chronic noise or a permanent disability. 这种能力当我们在面对不利的状况时具有非常的适应能力,比如说对持续的噪音逐渐充耳不闻,或者对身体残疾逐渐习惯。
- The osmotic solute in plantresistance to adverse conditions and progress in relative genic engineering. 植物抗逆中的渗透调节物质及其转基因工程进展。
- However, it is apparent that even under these adverse conditions an extra 55,360 t of yield are possible. 但是,很明显,即使在这种不良条件下,增加55360吨产量还是可能的。
- Vinyl used is ultra-violet light stable,resist color change &stiffening in adverse conditions. 特含抗紫外线添加剂,能防止退色及脆化现象,可承受日晒雨淋等恶劣环境。
- Where required, to examine deflections, stiffness requirements, and any special material and design provisions to obviate brittle fracture under adverse conditions. 必要时验算挠度、刚度要求、以及任一特殊材料和设计规定,以预防不利条件下的脆断。
- The robust construction and the absence of external operating and display components enable this pressure switch to also be used in adverse conditions. 该开关的结构坚固,且没有外部操作元件和显示元件,所以可以用于恶劣的条件。
- We had to play our soccer match under adverse conditions: it was snowing and only three members of our team had bothered to show up. 我们不得不在不利条件下进行足球比赛,天正下着雪,而且我们队只有3名队员到场。
- In general a minimum of 10 pipe diameters of straight pipe should be provided upstream of a swing check valve to minimize adverse conditions. 通常,旋启式止回阀与上游部件的距离至少要有管道直径的10倍,这样才能够将反作用降到最小程度。
- The fact that some exceptional people do well under adverse conditions scarcely justifies your assuming that you are exceptional in the same manner. 这两种因素中哪一种都能解释某些人用效率不高的方法都能学得很好。
- Organic optical conductor technology - the use of advanced organic optical conductor technology ensures outstanding copy quality even in adverse conditions. 有机光导体技术采用业内领先的有机光导体技术,即使在恶劣的环境下也能保证优异的复印品质。
- Through EMTP simulation test, the localizing error of this algorithm is within 1%under none adverse conditions, thus it is valuable for engineering practice. 经EMTP仿真验证,该算法在非恶劣故障情况下,定位误差基本均在1%25以内,具有工程应用价值。
- Diapause is a kind of strategy of butterfly to live through the adverse conditions, and it is all instinct of butterfly coming into being in the progress of the evolvement. 摘要介绍了近年来蝴蝶滞育虫态、光敏感时期、光周期和温度等环境因素对滞育的影响、滞育期间的形态结构和生理生化变化、滞育的神经内分泌调控和分子生物学等方面的研究概况。
- Laying or watching someone laying bricks - any adverse condition will slowly but steadily improve. 砌砖或者观看人砌砖--任何不利的条件将慢慢稳固地改变。
- These are facts in general and not meant to be an all inclusive list of the adverse conditions and reasons that can keep the mill from producing straight stacking of the exit coil. 总体而言这些内容属事实,这并不意味着这份清单罗列了使轧机无法轧制平直出口卷料的所有不利条件和原因。
- The results are Nongdagaoyou 115 takes on high seed and stem yield, high resistances to disease, insect and adverse conditions and high quality, which makes it adaptable to be extended at Fenggang county. 结果表明:农大高油115玉米在凤冈县种植表现良好,具有粒秆产量高,抗病虫性、抗逆性强,品质佳等优点,适宜在凤冈县种植。
- Can you please share your experience in finding God in the midst of the most adverse condition you or someone you knew were in? 请分享你个人的经验,怎样在你本身抑是你所认识的人所曾面对最不利的处境中来追求上帝?