- I told them of my adventures in the mountains. 我告诉他们我在山区不寻常的经历。
- The mountains were hazy in the distance. 远处的群山笼罩在雾霭之中。
- The pleasant adventures in the mountains were suddenly put to a stop by the war. 战争使这些山野里的愉快冒险突然中止了。
- Peter wrote of his adventures in the war every week. 彼得每星期都写他在战争中的冒险经历。
- We planned to pitch our camps in the mountains. 我们计划在山里扎营。
- The explorer told the boys about his adventures in the Arctic. 那位探险家把他在北极的冒险活动讲给男孩子们听。
- The trapper leads a solitary life in the mountains. 那个设陷阱捕猎的人孤独地生活在山里。
- How grand the mountains look in the early evening! 暮色中群山是多么壮丽!
- The robbers had a stronghold in the mountains. 强盗们在山里有一个据点。
- The gang (was) holed up in the mountains somewhere. 那帮匪徒躲在山中某处。
- He had a lot of adventures in the desert. 他曾在沙漠中经历很多奇异的事件。
- Ever since his adventure in the mountains, he has been dining off the story. 自从进山中探险以来, 他一直靠这段经历维生。
- Life in the mountains hardened me. 山里的生活使我坚强起来。
- The mountains in the border area are as beautiful as a painting. 边陲山区的风光美丽如画。
- There are pockets of ore in the mountain. 那座山里有好几块矿藏。
- For an adventure in the jungle, consider trekking in northern Thailand.As you trek, you walk in the mountains and pass rivers and waterfalls. 如果你想参与丛林冒险,可以考虑泰北的徒涉险之旅。
- I told them of my adventures in the forest. 我给他们讲我在森林中的奇遇。
- She asked me many questions about my adventures in the Arctic. 她问了我许多有关我在北极探险的问题。
- There are streaks of ore in the mountains. 这山里有矿脉。
- We led an austere life in the mountains. 我们在山区过着艰苦的生活。