- When Rizzo tested kids with and without ADHD using the more advanced program, he found some interesting patterns. - 小孩子生活在一个快速成长高度科技; 电脑相关的世界里.
- This paper use a advanced program langue in the application development of a commercial FEA software ANSYS. 本文通过一种高级语言对ANSYS这一运用范围广泛的商用有限元软件进行二次开发,将大量重复的机械计算过程封装成为一个整体。
- Foreign students who have completed a degree program in R.O.C. and desire to study for advanced program shall follow the admission procedures as R.O. 如拟在台继续就读下一学程学校,其入学方式应与我国内一般学生相同。
- To allow students to master advanced programming in computer game development. 使学生掌握电脑游戏开发的高级编程。
- The windows advanced programming principles for intercepting API (application program interface) calls and its realizable conditions are attempted to shed some light on. 介绍了在Windows的高级编程中所涉及的对Windows系统应用程序接口(API)函数的挂接的原理,并探讨了实现API函数挂接的条件。
- Describes advanced programming techniques for interoperating with native controls. 描述与本机控件进行互操作的高级编程技术。
- Pointers are an advanced programming feature that should only be used in performance critical situations. 指针是一项高级编程功能,只应该在十分注重性能的情况下使用。
- This paper introduces the advanced programming method of post processing (PST) file of MasterCAM. 介绍了MasterCAM后置处理文件PST文件的高级编程方法。
- And that, says Mike McKeon, PWR's manager of Hypersonic and Advanced Programs, is key. 热燃气流穿过狭窄的喉道时,再次被加速到声速,然后膨胀,冲出倒锥形的喷管,达到超声速。
- This interactive panel will describe the features of a good university-incubator relationship, using examples from the University of Maryland Technology Advancement Program. 这个交互式的小组将讨论一个好的高校与孵化器之间的关系,将使用马里兰技术先进计划的案例。
- TTCN-3 (Testing and Test Control Notation 3)[1] is based on text. It is similar to general advanced programing language on syntax and semantic. TTCN-3(Testing and Test Control Notation 3)[1]是一种基于文本的语言,在语法和语义上与通用高级编程语言很类似。
- UEStudio is fast, lightweight, and powerful and offers any UltraEdit user advanced programming functionality at a fantastic value! 本站为所有来新疆旅游摄影;自驾;拼车的朋友提供租车服务.;咨询电话:13579239484
- Advanced Program Language and Software Design 高等程式语言与软体设计
- Although a recorded Web test provides powerful Web testing capabilities, it lacks the flow control and looping constructs that are provided by more advanced programming languages. 尽管记录的Web测试提供了强大的Web测试功能,但它缺少更高级的编程语言所提供的流控制和循环结构。
- The main feature on the program is her song. 那个节目的主要号召物是她的歌。
- Its aim is that it can provide a visual programming environment for users who can build ATS conveniently through the software without knowing advanced programming language. 它的目的是为自动测试系统提供一个可视化图形编程环境,用户不需要熟悉高级编程语言,利用它便能方便地组建自动测试系统。
- This news program only covers external events. 这一新闻节目只报道国外消息。
- By using more advanced programming techniques such as "drop down" menus and other dynamic techniques, a barrier can be placed between the visitor and the content. 如果你使用了更多的动态互联网技术,如:下拉菜单,那么,在访问者和内容之间就会造成障碍。
- Do you see the travel program on italy last night? 昨晚你看有关意大利的旅游节目了吗?
- Starting applications from Program Manager is easy. 在程序管理器下运行应用程序很容易。