- Parties in administrative proceedings II. 行政诉讼当事人2。
- Two is the administrative proceedings attached question outline. 二是行政诉讼附属问题概述。
- The third part is the ideal mode of the administrative proceedings system. 第三部分是我国行政诉讼类型的理想模式。
- The people's procuratorates shall have the right to exercise legal supervision over administrative proceedings. 人民检察院有权对行政诉讼实行法律监督。
- The administrative proceedings mode took on different development tendency in the two Law Systems. 按照这一标准,我国应确立的行政诉讼类型为撤销诉讼、课予义务诉讼、行政给付诉讼和行政确认诉讼。
- The fourth part: crime of perjury behavior in "civil and administrative proceedings". 第四部分 “民事、行政诉讼中伪证行为”的犯罪化。
- There are lots of actions in administrative proceedings,such as positive and negative. 在行政诉讼司法实践过程中 ,产生了各式各样的应诉形式 ,有积极的 ,也有消极的。
- The theory of the purpose of administrative proceedings is one of the fundamental categories in the sphere of administrative procedural jurisprudence. 行政诉讼目的论是行政诉讼法学的一个基础性范畴,它不仅关系着行政诉讼法学的理论建构,而且决定着行政诉讼的制度设计,也影响着行政诉讼的司法实践。
- The paper defines the concept and connotation of citizens' right of relief in administrative proceedings, and then discusses the concrete protection system. 本文对公民行政诉讼救济权概念和内涵进行初步界定 ,并探讨了其保障的具体机制。
- The procedure justice and the procedure benefit are precisely the civil action and the administrative proceedings connection question research theory basic point. 程序正义和程序效益正是民事诉讼与行政诉讼关联问题研究的理论基点。 有鉴于此本文提出建立科学的民事附带行政诉讼机制,以期实现法律的基本价值。
- At present, some people still fail to have a correct notion of the orientation of the fundamental value of the institution of administrative proceedings. 当前 ,人们对于行政诉讼制度基本价值取向存在一些不正确认识。
- Since long ago, the procuratorial agency positively develops to the civil trial and the administrative proceedings activity legal surveillance work, obtains the tangible result. 长期以来,检察机关积极开展对民事审判和行政诉讼活动的法律监督工作,取得明显成效。
- It can be said that the administrative proceedings in the field of environment, the protection of the environment even in cases of public interest relief. 可以说,在环境行政诉讼领域,对环境公共利益的保护更甚于个案救济。
- Conciliatory system in Administrative proceedings is the critical innovation in contemporary judicial conception that tally with basic sprits of modern administrative law. 行政诉讼和解制度是现代司法理念的重大创新,契合现代行政法的基本精神,我国的行政诉讼具备引入行政诉讼和解制度的理论、思想和现实基础。
- Starting from the Pre-definitive effectiveness and taking the convergence of the two systems into consideration,the author give some advice on constructing the pre-definitive effectiveness system of the criminal sentence in the administrative proceedings. 应当从刑事判决在行政诉讼中的预决力出发,考虑两者制度的趋同性,具体构建刑事判决在行政诉讼中预决效力制度。
- In accordance with this circumstance ,the essay depends on foreign related fules and integrates the actuality of China, effort to rebuild the system of the plaintiffs qualifications of administrative proceedings of our country. 通过考察美、英、日、法四个国家的行政诉讼原告资格的理论与实践,分析了其各自的发展特点及发展趋势,指出西方国家在这一问题上对我国可资借鉴的一些特点。
- Proceed with care, or you'll mess up. 你必须小心行事,不然就要倒霉。
- He was allowed to proceed to an MA. 他获准攻读文学硕士学位。
- In administrative proceedings, the identification of the third person is constantly a headache for the judges of administrative trial, and in the meantime brings up the confusion in the judicial scale. 在行政诉讼中,行政诉讼第三人的认定,一直是让行政审判法官感到头疼的问题,同时,这也带来了司法尺度上的混乱。
- In fiction behaviour should proceed from character. 在小说中人物的行为应该切合人物的性格。