- Tax administrative penalty is an important administrative behavior of tax. 税务行政处罚是一项重要的税务行政行为。
- The public interest provides the legitimate basis for the administrative behavior such as administrative requisition. 公共利益是行政征用等行政行为的合法性基础。
- Taking abstract administrative behavior into the scope of administrative litigation accords with the spirits of modern administrative rule by law. 将抽象行政行为纳入行政诉讼受案范围符合现代行政法治精神。
- He sometimes lapses from good behavior. 他有时候会行为失检。
- At everyplace area didn't establishment branch front have no administration behavior, temporarily didn't parties serve as what staff member. 在各地区没建立分支机构前无任何行政行为,暂时没派出任何工作人员。
- How to review prepositive administrative behavior in administrative litigation is still an embarrassment in both western countries and China. 摘要前置性行政行为的审查仍然是法治发达国家没有很好解决的问题,我国行政诉讼中同样面临大量类似困难。
- Our administrative law scholars put lots of their studies on the concrete administration behavior in the past, and look down upon the administrative factual behavior. 在我国行政法学界,过去一直偏重于对行政法律行为的研究,而对行政事实行为有所忽视。
- The invalidity, cancellation and correction of an administrative behavior is an action taken against an illegal administrative behavior and an remedy of legal duty. 行政行为的无效、撤销和补正是追究违法行政行为补救性法律责任的三种方式。
- Form a kind of realistic society and restrict strength to administrative behavior individual, it is one kind that has invisible and mandatory " soft restraint ". 对行政行为个体来说构成了一种现实的社会制约力量,是一种具有无形强制性的“软约束”。
- It is disputing so far on the theory circle that under what conditions,the legal effective administrative behavior,can be cancelled?altered or abrogated . 关于已经发生法律效力的行政行为,在什么条件下可以被撤销、变更或被废止,理论界至今争论不止,本文试就这一问题谈谈自己的一孔之见。
- There are all kinds of fiscal constraints for fiscal administrative behavior, but the incompleteness of fiscal law system has fundamentally influenced the power of constraints. 财政行政行为已经有了各种各样的法律约束,但是财政法律体系的不健全从根本上影响了约束程度。
- Children's bad behavior is often a reflection on their parents. 小孩的坏品行常常有损父母的名誉。
- She was full of shame at her bad behavior. 她对自己的不良行为感到羞耻。
- His reputation was blighted by his bad behavior. 他的名誉为他的行为不检所毁。
- One must deplore their violent behavior. 人人都会强烈反对他们的残暴行为。
- In terms of its content,administrative legal civilization is consists of civilized administrative ideal,civilized administrative organization,civilized administrative behavior,and civilized administrative relief. 从内容上看,行政法治文明主要由文明的行政理念、文明的行政组织、文明的行政行为及文明的行政救济等4个要件构成。
- He is blind to her bad behavior. 他对她的不良行为视而不见。
- His behavior filled her with disgust. 她对他的行为充满了厌恶。
- His behavior is worthy of praise. 他的行为值得称道。
- However, when revoking specific administrative behaviors might do great harm to public interests, they should not be revoked. 但判决撤销具体行政行为可能对公共利益造成重大损害的除外。