- administration pursuant to law 依法行政
- Those causing damages to the insurer or insured deliberately or by neglect shall be liable for compensation pursuant to law. 因故意或者过失给保险人或者被保险人造成损害的,依法承担赔偿责任。
- Insurance companies shall be subject to the supervision and check pursuant to law. 保险公司依法接受监督检查。
- The appraisal organizations or experts legally retained to make appraisal and evaluation of the insured risks shall do so impartially pursuant to law. 依法受聘对保险事故进行评估和鉴定的评估机构和专家,应当依法公正地执行业务。
- The Board shall make the decision or ruling for a concluded case pursuant to law. 经审理终结的案件,商标评审委员会依法作出决定、裁定。
- When handling accounting affairs pursuant to law, an accountant shall be subject to the direction and supervision of managerial officers. 前项主办会计人员之任免,公司章程有较高规定者,从其规定。
- Article2 The term" lawyer" as used in this Law means a practitioner who has acquired a lawyer's practice certificate pursuant to law and provides legal services to the public. 第二条本法所称的律师,是指依法取得律师执业证书,为社会提供法律服务的执业人员。
- Article 2 The term “lawyer” as mentioned in this Law means a practitioner who has acquired a lawyer's practice certificate pursuant to law and provides legal services to the public. 第二条本法所称的律师,是指依法取得律师执业证书,为社会提供法律服务的执业人员。
- Article127 In entrusting an insurance agent to handle the insurance business, an insurer shall sign an agent agreement with the insurance agent to agree upon the rights and obligations as well as other agent matters pursuant to law. 第一百二十七条保险人委托保险代理人代为办理保险业务的,应当与保险代理人签订委托代理协议,依法约定双方的权利和义务及其他代理事项。
- Alaw firm established with the capital contribution from the State shall be independent in its practice pursuant to law and shall undertake liability for its debts with its entire assets. 第十六条国家出资设立的律师事务所,依法自主开展律师业务,以该律师事务所的全部资产对其债务承担责任。
- In case the contract of insurance is terminated by the Insurer prior to its expiry pursuant to law or to the agreement of the contract of insurance, the premium to be calculated pro rata daily for the unexpired period shall be refunded to the Insured. 如果按法律或者保险合同的协议,保险方提前终止保险合同时,则应将按日计算的未到期的保险费,退还投保方。
- The customer will go to law for the bad service. 这位顾客将为此恶劣服务诉诸法律。
- If the business scope of a company covers any item subject to approval pursuant to laws or administrative regulations, the approval shall be obtained according to law. 公司的经营范围中属于法律、行政法规规定须经批准的项目,应当依法经过批准。
- Liability insurance refers to an insurance the subject matter of the insurance of which is the insured's liability to indemnify a third party pursuant to laws. 责任保险是指以被保险人对第三者依法应负的赔偿责任为保险标的的保险。
- Issued under or pursuant to a charterparty. 根据或依据租船合同签发。
- I must admit I am rather unwilling to go to law against him. 我必须承认我很不愿意同他打官司。
- On Running School Independently Pursuant to Law 明确法律地位办好独立学院
- the offeror has revoked the offer pursuant to law; 二)要约人依法撤销要约;
- A decision of the local authority pursuant to the power and duties impose upon it by the statutory code. 地方政府根据成文法(典)所给予的权力和义务所作出的决定。
- All my strength has been swallowed up by going to law against my neighbour. 我所有的精力都因与邻居打这场官司耗尽了。