- He knew he was running the risk for the people. 他如道,他冒这危险是为了人民。
- All his life he strove for the good of the people. 他一辈子都为人民的利益而奋斗。
- Mike longed to do something for the people across the sea. 迈克期望能为海外的人们做一些事情。
- He trained them to be bold selfless fighters for the interests of the people. 他培养他们成为为人民利益奋斗的勇敢无私的战士。
- The people jostled with one another for the seats. 人们为争占座位而互相推挤着。
- He is wholeheartedly for the people serve. 他全心全意为人民服务。
- The aim that we live is for the people serve. 我们生活的目的是为人民服务。
- To die for the people is a glorious death. 为人民而死,死的光荣。
- We are called to work for the good of the people. 号召我们为人民利益而工作。
- Public administration for the twenty-first century II. 二十一世纪的公共行政2。
- Wherever you work,work hard for the people. 不管你在哪里工作都要努力为人民工作。
- He works for the people's happiness. 他为了人民的幸福而工作。
- They didn't care for the livelihood of the people. 他们不关心群众的生活。
- She gave her life for the people just as she had pledged at one of the Party meetings. 正如她在一次党的会议上发誓的那样,她为人民牺牲了。
- Aside from money, he works for the people. 除了金钱,他为人民而工作。
- Chairman Liu worked for the people's happiness. 刘主席为人民的幸福而工作。
- To die for the people is quite glorious. 为人民而死是十分光荣的。
- Editorial written for the People's Daily. 这是毛泽东同志为《人民日报》写的社论。
- A motion was moved and passed opposing the land and financial arrangements proposed by the Administration for the WKCD. 委员在会上讨论动议的议案,反对政府所提出西九文娱艺术区的土地及财务安排,议案获得通过。
- We must work hard for the sake of the people. 我们要为人民努力工作。